
This is my C++20 library Stormbreaker for competitive programming.

Table of Contents

  1. Standard Library Extensions
  2. Data Structures
  3. Graph Theory
  4. Mathematical Optimization
  5. Number Theory
  6. Numerical Analysis
  7. String Searching
  8. Computational Geometry

// Copyright 2018 Tyler Wang. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: Tyler Wang

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <bit>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <queue>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#if __cplusplus < 202002L

namespace std {

template <typename C>
constexpr auto ssize(const C& c)
    -> std::common_type_t<std::ptrdiff_t,
                          std::make_signed_t<decltype(c.size())>> {  // C++20
  using R = std::common_type_t<std::ptrdiff_t,
  return (R)c.size();

template <typename T, std::ptrdiff_t N>
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t ssize(const T (&)[N]) noexcept {  // C++20
  return N;

template <typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, bool> has_single_bit(
    T x) noexcept {  // C++20
  return x != 0 && (x & (x - 1)) == 0;

template <typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, int> countl_zero(
    T x) noexcept {  // C++20
  if constexpr (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned)) {
    return __builtin_clz(x) - (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::digits -
  } else if constexpr (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned long)) {
    return __builtin_clzl(x) - (std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits -
  } else {
    static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned long long));
    return __builtin_clzll(x) -
           (std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::digits -

template <typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, int> countr_zero(
    T x) noexcept {  // C++20
  if constexpr (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned)) {
    return __builtin_ctz(x);
  } else if constexpr (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned long)) {
    return __builtin_ctzl(x);
  } else {
    static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned long long));
    return __builtin_ctzll(x);

template <typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, int> popcount(
    T x) noexcept {  // C++20
  if constexpr (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned)) {
    return __builtin_popcount(x);
  } else if constexpr (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned long long)) {
    return __builtin_popcountl(x);
  } else {
    static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(unsigned long long));
    return __builtin_popcountll(x);

template <typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, T> bit_width(
    T x) noexcept {  // C++20
  return (T)(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - countl_zero(x));

template <typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, T> bit_ceil(
    T x) noexcept {  // C++20
  return (T)(x <= 1 ? 1 : (T)1 << bit_width((T)(x - 1)));

template <typename T>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T>, T> bit_floor(
    T x) noexcept {  // C++20
  return (T)(x == 0 ? 0 : (T)1 << (bit_width(x) - 1));

}  // namespace std


// Y combinator for recursive lambda functions.
// Reference: Derevenets, Yegor. "A Proposal to Add Y Combinator to the Standard
// Library." International Organization for Standardization (2016).
template <typename Fun>
class y_combinator_result {
  template <typename T>
  explicit y_combinator_result(T&& fun) : fun_(std::forward<T>(fun)) {}

  template <typename... Args>
  decltype(auto) operator()(Args&&... args) {
    return fun_(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Args>(args)...);

  Fun fun_;

template <typename Fun>
decltype(auto) y_combinator(Fun&& fun) {
  return y_combinator_result<std::decay_t<Fun>>(std::forward<Fun>(fun));

template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::optional<T>& opt);

template <typename T1, typename T2>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::pair<T1, T2>& p);

template <typename... Ts>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<Ts...>& t);

template <typename Container,
          std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible_v<Container, std::string_view>,
                           typename Container::const_iterator>* = nullptr>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Container& c);

template <typename ContainerAdaptor,
          typename ContainerAdaptor::container_type* = nullptr>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ContainerAdaptor& a);

template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::optional<T>& opt) {
  return opt ? os << *opt : os << "nullopt";

template <typename T1, typename T2>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::pair<T1, T2>& p) {
  return os << '{' << p.first << ", " << p.second << '}';

template <typename... Ts>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) {
  return std::apply(
      [&os](const Ts&... args) -> std::ostream& {
        os << '{';
        int i = 0;
        ((os << (i++ == 0 ? "" : ", ") << args), ...);
        return os << '}';

template <typename Container,
          std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible_v<Container, std::string_view>,
                           typename Container::const_iterator>*>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Container& c) {
  os << '{';
  for (auto it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it) {
    os << (it == c.begin() ? "" : ", ") << *it;
  return os << '}';

template <typename ContainerAdaptor, typename ContainerAdaptor::container_type*>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ContainerAdaptor& a) {
  class derived : public ContainerAdaptor {
    const auto& c() const { return ContainerAdaptor::c; }
  return os << static_cast<const derived&>(a).c();

namespace detail {

template <typename... Ts>
void print(std::ostream& os, int line, std::string_view keys,
           const Ts&... vals) {
  if constexpr (constexpr int N = sizeof...(Ts); N == 0) {
    os << "  " << line << " |" << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::array<std::string_view, N> key_list;
    int k = 0, first = 0, paren = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)keys.size(); ++i) {
      switch (keys[i]) {
        case '(':
        case '[':
        case '{':
        case ')':
        case ']':
        case '}':
        case ',':
          if (paren == 0) {
            key_list[k++] = keys.substr(first, i - first);
            first = i;
    assert(k == N - 1);
    key_list[k] = keys.substr(first);
    k = 0;
    os << "  " << line << " | ";
    ((os << key_list[k++] << " = " << vals), ...);
    os << std::endl;

}  // namespace detail

#if defined(TYLER) && defined(__clang__)
#define debug(...) \
  detail::print(std::cerr, __LINE__, #__VA_ARGS__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#elif defined(TYLER) && defined(__GNUC__)
#define debug(...) \
  detail::print(std::cerr, __LINE__, #__VA_ARGS__ __VA_OPT__(, ) __VA_ARGS__)
#define debug(...) ((void)0)

// Multidimensional array.
template <typename T, int Rank>
class mdarray {
  static_assert(Rank > 0);

  using reference = typename std::vector<T>::reference;
  using const_reference = typename std::vector<T>::const_reference;

  mdarray(const std::array<int, Rank>& extents, const T& val = T()) {
    std::copy(extents.begin(), extents.end(), extents_.begin());
    strides_[Rank - 1] = 1;
    for (int r = Rank - 2; r >= 0; --r) {
      strides_[r] = strides_[r + 1] * extents_[r + 1];
    data_.resize(strides_[0] * extents_[0], val);

  static constexpr int rank() { return Rank; }

  int size() const { return (int)data_.size(); }

  int extent(int r) const { return extents_[r]; }

  int stride(int r) const { return strides_[r]; }

  template <typename... SizeType>
  reference operator()(SizeType... indices) {
    return data_[flatten(indices...)];

  template <typename... SizeType>
  const_reference operator()(SizeType... indices) const {
    return data_[flatten(indices...)];

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const mdarray& a) {
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); ++i) {
      for (int r = a.rank() - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
        if (i % (a.stride(r) * a.extent(r)) != 0) {
        os << '{';
      os << a.data_[i];
      for (int r = a.rank() - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
        if ((i + 1) % (a.stride(r) * a.extent(r)) != 0) {
          os << ", ";
        os << '}';
    return os;

  std::array<int, Rank> extents_, strides_;
  std::vector<T> data_;

  template <typename... SizeType>
  int flatten(SizeType... indices) const {
    static_assert(sizeof...(SizeType) == Rank);
    static_assert((std::is_integral_v<SizeType> && ...));
    int pos = 0, r = 0;
         assert(0 <= indices && indices < extents_[r]),
         pos += indices * strides_[r++]),
    return pos;

#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)

#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>

// Red-black order statistic tree.
// Supports find_by_order and order_of_key in O(log n).
template <typename Key, typename Compare = std::less<Key>,
          typename Allocator = std::allocator<Key>>
using ordered_set =
    __gnu_pbds::tree<Key, __gnu_pbds::null_type, Compare,
                     __gnu_pbds::tree_order_statistics_node_update, Allocator>;

template <typename Key, typename T, typename Compare = std::less<Key>,
          typename Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, T>>>
using ordered_map =
    __gnu_pbds::tree<Key, T, Compare, __gnu_pbds::rb_tree_tag,
                     __gnu_pbds::tree_order_statistics_node_update, Allocator>;


// Splay tree with order statistics node update.
// Amortized O(log n) lookup, insertion, and deletion.
// Reference: Sleator, Daniel Dominic, and Robert Endre Tarjan. "Self-adjusting
// binary search trees." Journal of the ACM (JACM) 32.3 (1985): 652-686.
template <typename Key, typename Compare = std::less<Key>>
class splay_set {
                std::invoke_result_t<Compare, const Key&, const Key&>, bool>);

  using key_type = Key;
  using value_type = Key;
  using size_type = int;
  using difference_type = int;
  using key_compare = Compare;
  using value_compare = Compare;
  using reference = Key&;
  using const_reference = const Key&;
  using pointer = Key*;
  using const_pointer = const Key*;

  struct node {
    node *parent, *left, *right;
    const Key key;
    size_type size;

    node(node* _parent, const Key& _key, int _size = 1)
        : parent(_parent),
          size(_size) {}

    void update() {
      size = 1 + (left == nullptr ? 0 : left->size) +
             (right == nullptr ? 0 : right->size);

  struct iterator {
    using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = Key;
    using difference_type = int;
    using pointer = const Key*;
    using reference = const Key&;

    iterator& operator++() {
      if (ptr_->right == nullptr) {
        while (ptr_->parent != nullptr && ptr_->parent->right == ptr_) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->parent;
        if ((ptr_ = ptr_->parent) != nullptr) {
      } else {
        ptr_ = ptr_->right;
        while (ptr_->left != nullptr) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->left;
      return *this;

    iterator operator++(int) {
      iterator t = *this;
      return t;

    iterator& operator--() {
      if (ptr_ == nullptr) {
        ptr_ = tree_->root_;
        while (ptr_->right != nullptr) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->right;
      } else if (ptr_->left == nullptr) {
        while (ptr_->parent->left == ptr_) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->parent;
        ptr_ = ptr_->parent;
      } else {
        ptr_ = ptr_->left;
        while (ptr_->right != nullptr) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->right;
      return *this;

    iterator operator--(int) {
      iterator t = *this;
      return t;

    bool operator==(const iterator& other) const { return ptr_ == other.ptr_; }

    bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return ptr_ != other.ptr_; }

    reference operator*() const { return ptr_->key; }

    friend splay_set;

    splay_set* tree_;
    node* ptr_;

    iterator(splay_set* tree, node* ptr) : tree_(tree), ptr_(ptr) {}

  struct const_iterator {
    using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
    using value_type = Key;
    using difference_type = int;
    using pointer = const Key*;
    using reference = const Key&;

    const_iterator(const iterator& it) : tree_(it.tree_), ptr_(it.ptr_) {}

    const_iterator& operator++() {
      if (ptr_->right == nullptr) {
        while (ptr_->parent != nullptr && ptr_->parent->right == ptr_) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->parent;
        ptr_ = ptr_->parent;
      } else {
        ptr_ = ptr_->right;
        while (ptr_->left != nullptr) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->left;
      return *this;

    const_iterator operator++(int) {
      const_iterator t = *this;
      return t;

    const_iterator& operator--() {
      if (ptr_ == nullptr) {
        ptr_ = tree_->root_;
        while (ptr_->right != nullptr) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->right;
      } else if (ptr_->left == nullptr) {
        while (ptr_->parent->left == ptr_) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->parent;
        ptr_ = ptr_->parent;
      } else {
        ptr_ = ptr_->left;
        while (ptr_->right != nullptr) {
          ptr_ = ptr_->right;
      return *this;

    const_iterator operator--(int) {
      const_iterator t = *this;
      return t;

    bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const {
      return ptr_ == other.ptr_;

    bool operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const {
      return ptr_ != other.ptr_;

    reference operator*() const { return ptr_->key; }

    friend splay_set;

    const splay_set* tree_;
    const node* ptr_;

    const_iterator(const splay_set* tree, const node* ptr)
        : tree_(tree), ptr_(ptr) {}

  using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
  using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;

  splay_set(const Compare& comp = Compare()) : comp_(comp), root_(nullptr) {}

  splay_set(const splay_set& other) : comp_(other.comp_) {
    if (other.root_ == nullptr) {
      root_ = nullptr;
    root_ = new node(nullptr, other.root_->key, other.root_->size);
    for (node *x = root_, *y = other.root_;;) {
      if (x->left == nullptr && y->left != nullptr) {
        y = y->left;
        x = x->left = new node(x, y->key, y->size);
      } else if (x->right == nullptr && y->right != nullptr) {
        y = y->right;
        x = x->right = new node(x, y->key, y->size);
      } else {
        if (x->parent == nullptr) {
        x = x->parent;
        y = y->parent;

  splay_set(splay_set&& other) : comp_(other.comp_), root_(other.root_) {
    other.root_ = nullptr;

  ~splay_set() { clear(); }

  splay_set& operator=(const splay_set& other) {
    return *this = splay_set(other);

  splay_set& operator=(splay_set&& other) {
    comp_ = other.comp_;
    root_ = other.root_;
    other.root_ = nullptr;
    return *this;

  iterator begin() {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      return iterator(this, nullptr);
    node* x = root_;
    while (x->left != nullptr) {
      x = x->left;
    return iterator(this, x);

  const_iterator begin() const {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      return const_iterator(this, nullptr);
    node* x = root_;
    while (x->left != nullptr) {
      x = x->left;
    return const_iterator(this, x);

  const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }

  iterator end() { return iterator(this, nullptr); }

  const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, nullptr); }

  const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }

  reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }

  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
    return const_reverse_iterator(end());

  const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return rbegin(); }

  reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }

  const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
    return const_reverse_iterator(begin());

  const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return rend(); }

  bool empty() const { return root_ == nullptr; }

  size_type size() const { return root_ == nullptr ? 0 : root_->size; }

  void clear() {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
    for (node* x = root_;;) {
      if (x->left != nullptr) {
        x = x->left;
      } else if (x->right != nullptr) {
        x = x->right;
      } else {
        if (x->parent == nullptr) {
          root_ = nullptr;
          delete x;
        node* y = x;
        x = x->parent;
        if (x->left == y) {
          x->left = nullptr;
        } else {
          x->right = nullptr;
        delete y;

  std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const Key& key) {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      root_ = new node(nullptr, key);
      return std::pair(iterator(this, root_), true);
    for (node* x = root_;;) {
      if (comp_(key, x->key)) {
        if (x->left == nullptr) {
          x = x->left = new node(x, key);
          return std::pair(iterator(this, x), true);
        x = x->left;
      } else if (comp_(x->key, key)) {
        if (x->right == nullptr) {
          x = x->right = new node(x, key);
          return std::pair(iterator(this, x), true);
        x = x->right;
      } else {
        return std::pair(iterator(this, x), false);

  iterator erase(iterator pos) {
    node *x = pos.ptr_, *y, *z;
    if (x->right == nullptr) {
      if ((y = x->left) != nullptr) {
        y->parent = x->parent;
      z = x;
      while (z->parent != nullptr && z->parent->right == z) {
        z = z->parent;
      z = z->parent;
    } else {
      y = x->right;
      y->parent = nullptr;
      while (y->left != nullptr) {
        y = y->left;
      if (x->left != nullptr) {
        y->left = x->left;
        y->left->parent = y;
      y->parent = x->parent;
      z = y;
    if (x->parent == nullptr) {
      root_ = y;
    } else {
      if (x->parent->left == x) {
        x->parent->left = y;
      } else {
        x->parent->right = y;
    delete x;
    return iterator(this, z);

  size_type erase(const Key& key) {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      return 0;
    node* x = root_;
    while (true) {
      if (comp_(key, x->key)) {
        if (x->left == nullptr) {
          return 0;
        x = x->left;
      } else if (comp_(x->key, key)) {
        if (x->right == nullptr) {
          return 0;
        x = x->right;
      } else {
    node* y;
    if (x->right == nullptr) {
      if ((y = x->left) != nullptr) {
        y->parent = x->parent;
    } else {
      y = x->right;
      if (x->left != nullptr) {
        y->parent = nullptr;
        while (y->left != nullptr) {
          y = y->left;
        y->left = x->left;
        y->left->parent = y;
      y->parent = x->parent;
    if (x->parent == nullptr) {
      root_ = y;
    } else {
      if (x->parent->left == x) {
        x->parent->left = y;
      } else {
        x->parent->right = y;
    delete x;
    return 1;

  void swap(splay_set& other) {
    std::swap(comp_, other.comp_);
    std::swap(root_, other.root_);

  size_type count(const Key& key) { return find(key) != end(); }

  iterator find(const Key& key) {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      return iterator(this, nullptr);
    for (node* x = root_;;) {
      if (comp_(key, x->key)) {
        if (x->left == nullptr) {
          return iterator(this, nullptr);
        x = x->left;
      } else if (comp_(x->key, key)) {
        if (x->right == nullptr) {
          return iterator(this, nullptr);
        x = x->right;
      } else {
        return iterator(this, x);

  std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const Key& key) {
    return std::pair(lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key));

  iterator lower_bound(const Key& key) {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      return iterator(this, nullptr);
    for (node *x = root_, *y = nullptr;;) {
      if (comp_(key, x->key)) {
        if (x->left == nullptr) {
          return iterator(this, x);
        y = x;
        x = x->left;
      } else if (comp_(x->key, key)) {
        if (x->right == nullptr) {
          return iterator(this, y);
        x = x->right;
      } else {
        return iterator(this, x);

  iterator upper_bound(const Key& key) {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      return iterator(this, nullptr);
    for (node *x = root_, *y = nullptr;;) {
      if (comp_(key, x->key)) {
        if (x->left == nullptr) {
          return iterator(this, x);
        y = x;
        x = x->left;
      } else {
        if (x->right == nullptr) {
          return iterator(this, y);
        x = x->right;

  iterator find_by_order(size_type order) {
    if (root_ == nullptr || order >= root_->size) {
      return iterator(this, nullptr);
    for (node* x = root_;;) {
      if (size_type left_size = x->left == nullptr ? 0 : x->left->size;
          order < left_size) {
        x = x->left;
      } else if (order > left_size) {
        order -= left_size + 1;
        x = x->right;
      } else {
        return iterator(this, x);

  size_type order_of_key(const Key& key) {
    if (root_ == nullptr) {
      return 0;
    int order = 0;
    for (node* x = root_;;) {
      if (comp_(key, x->key)) {
        if (x->left == nullptr) {
          return order;
        x = x->left;
      } else if (order += x->left == nullptr ? 0 : x->left->size;
                 comp_(x->key, key)) {
        if (x->right == nullptr) {
          return order;
        x = x->right;
      } else {
        return order;

  Compare key_comp() const { return comp_; }

  Compare value_comp() const { return comp_; }

  friend void swap(splay_set& lhs, splay_set& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); }

  Compare comp_;
  node* root_;

  void rotate_left(node* y) {
    node* x = y->right;
    if (y->parent != nullptr) {
      if (y->parent->left == y) {
        y->parent->left = x;
      } else {
        y->parent->right = x;
    if ((y->right = x->left) != nullptr) {
      y->right->parent = y;
    x->left = y;
    x->parent = y->parent;
    y->parent = x;

  void rotate_right(node* y) {
    node* x = y->left;
    if (y->parent != nullptr) {
      if (y->parent->left == y) {
        y->parent->left = x;
      } else {
        y->parent->right = x;
    if ((y->left = x->right) != nullptr) {
      y->left->parent = y;
    x->right = y;
    x->parent = y->parent;
    y->parent = x;

  void splay(node* x) {
    while (x->parent != nullptr) {
      if (x->parent->left == x) {
        if (x->parent->parent == nullptr) {
        } else if (x->parent->parent->left == x->parent) {
        } else {
      } else {
        if (x->parent->parent == nullptr) {
        } else if (x->parent->parent->right == x->parent) {
        } else {
    root_ = x;

// Disjoint-set data structure aka union-find data structure.
class disjoint_sets {
  disjoint_sets(int n) : count_(n), parent_or_size_(n, -1) {}

  int count() const { return count_; }

  int size(int x) { return -parent_or_size_[find(x)]; }

  int find(int x) {
    if (parent_or_size_[x] < 0) {
      return x;
    return parent_or_size_[x] = find(parent_or_size_[x]);

  bool merge(int x, int y) {
    if ((x = find(x)) == (y = find(y))) {
      return false;
    if (parent_or_size_[x] > parent_or_size_[y]) {
      std::swap(x, y);
    parent_or_size_[x] += parent_or_size_[y];
    parent_or_size_[y] = x;
    return true;

  std::vector<std::vector<int>> components() {
    int n = (int)parent_or_size_.size();
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> comps(count());
    std::vector pos(n, comps.end());
    auto it = comps.begin();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      int p = find(i);
      if (pos[p] == comps.end()) {
        pos[p] = it++;
    return comps;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, disjoint_sets ds) {
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> comps = ds.components();
    os << '{';
    for (auto i = comps.begin(); i != comps.end(); ++i) {
      os << (i == comps.begin() ? "" : ", ") << '{';
      for (auto j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); ++j) {
        os << (j == i->begin() ? "" : ", ") << *j;
      os << '}';
    return os << '}';

  int count_;
  std::vector<int> parent_or_size_;

// Persistent disjoint-set data structure aka union-find data structure.
class persistent_disjoint_sets {
  persistent_disjoint_sets(int n) : count_(n), size_(n, 1) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

  int count() const { return count_; }

  int size(int x) const { return size_[find(x)]; }

  int find(int x) const { return parent_[x] == x ? x : find(parent_[x]); }

  bool merge(int x, int y) {
    if ((x = find(x)) == (y = find(y))) {
      return false;
    if (size_[x] < size_[y]) {
      std::swap(x, y);
    edges_.emplace(x, y);
    parent_[y] = x;
    size_[x] += size_[y];
    return true;

  bool rollback() {
    if (edges_.empty()) {
      return false;
    auto [x, y] =;
    parent_[y] = y;
    size_[x] -= size_[y];
    return true;

  std::vector<std::vector<int>> components() const {
    int n = (int)parent_.size();
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> comps(count());
    std::vector pos(n, comps.end());
    auto it = comps.begin();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      int p = find(i);
      if (pos[p] == comps.end()) {
        pos[p] = it++;
    return comps;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
                                  const persistent_disjoint_sets& pds) {
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> comps = pds.components();
    os << '{';
    for (auto i = comps.begin(); i != comps.end(); ++i) {
      os << (i == comps.begin() ? "" : ", ") << '{';
      for (auto j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); ++j) {
        os << (j == i->begin() ? "" : ", ") << *j;
      os << '}';
    return os << '}';

  int count_;
  std::vector<int> parent_, size_;
  std::stack<std::pair<int, int>> edges_;

// Binary indexed tree aka Fenwick tree.
// O(n) construction, O(log n) update, and O(log n) query.
template <typename T>
class bi_tree {
  bi_tree(int n, const T& val = T()) : data_(n, val) {
    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
      if (int j = i | (i + 1); j < size()) {
        data_[j] += data_[i];

  bi_tree(const std::vector<T>& data) : data_(data) {
    for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
      if (int j = i | (i + 1); j < size()) {
        data_[j] += data_[i];

  int size() const { return (int)data_.size(); }

  void update(int pos, const T& delta) {
    for (; pos < size(); pos |= pos + 1) {
      data_[pos] += delta;

  T query(int pos) const { return query(pos, pos + 1); }

  // Sums the range [first, last).
  T query(int first, int last) const {
    assert(first < last);
    T sum = T();
    for (; last > first; last &= last - 1) {
      sum += data_[last - 1];
    for (; first > last; first &= first - 1) {
      sum -= data_[first - 1];
    return sum;

  // Finds the first pos s.t. query(0, pos + 1) >= val.
  int lower_bound(T val) const {
    int low = -1;
    for (int bit = std::bit_floor((unsigned)size()); bit != 0; bit >>= 1) {
      if (int mid = low + bit; mid < size() && data_[mid] < val) {
        val -= data_[low = mid];
    return low + 1;

  // Finds the first pos s.t. query(0, pos + 1) > val.
  int upper_bound(T val) const {
    int low = -1;
    for (int bit = std::bit_floor((unsigned)size()); bit != 0; bit >>= 1) {
      if (int mid = low + bit; mid < size() && data_[mid] <= val) {
        val -= data_[low = mid];
    return low + 1;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const bi_tree& tree) {
    os << '{';
    for (int i = 0; i < tree.size(); ++i) {
      os << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << tree.query(i);
    return os << '}';

  std::vector<T> data_;

// Two-dimensional binary indexed tree.
template <typename T>
class bi_tree_2d {
  bi_tree_2d(int m, int n) : data_(m, std::vector<T>(n)) {}

  int size1() const { return (int)data_.size(); }

  int size2() const { return (int)data_[0].size(); }

  void update(int x, int y, const T& delta) {
    for (; x < size1(); x |= x + 1) {
      for (int j = y; j < size2(); j |= j + 1) {
        data_[x][j] += delta;

  T query(int x, int y) const { return query(x, x + 1, y, y + 1); }

  T query(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) const {
    assert(x1 < x2 && y1 < y2);
    T sum = T();
    for (; x2 > x1; x2 &= x2 - 1) {
      int first = y1, last = y2;
      for (; last > first; last &= last - 1) {
        sum += data_[x2 - 1][last - 1];
      for (; first > last; first &= first - 1) {
        sum -= data_[x2 - 1][first - 1];
    for (; x1 > x2; x1 &= x1 - 1) {
      int first = y1, last = y2;
      for (; last > first; last &= last - 1) {
        sum -= data_[x1 - 1][last - 1];
      for (; first > last; first &= first - 1) {
        sum += data_[x1 - 1][first - 1];
    return sum;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const bi_tree_2d& tree) {
    os << '{';
    for (int i = 0; i < tree.size1(); ++i) {
      os << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << '{';
      for (int j = 0; j < tree.size2(); ++j) {
        os << (j == 0 ? "" : ", ") << tree.query(i, j);
      os << '}';
    return os << '}';

  std::vector<std::vector<T>> data_;

// Segment tree.
// O(n) construction, O(log n) update, and O(log n) query.
template <typename T, typename Merge>
class seg_tree {
      std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Merge, const T&, const T&>, T>);

  seg_tree(int n, const T& val = T(), const Merge& merge = Merge())
      : merge_(merge),
        data_(n_ceil_ + n_, val) {
    for (int first = n_ceil_, last = n_ceil_ + n_ - 1; first != 1;
         first >>= 1, last >>= 1) {
      data_[last >> 1] = data_[last];
      for (int i = first; i < last; i += 2) {
        data_[i >> 1] = merge_(data_[i], data_[i + 1]);

  seg_tree(const std::vector<T>& data, const Merge& merge = Merge())
      : merge_(merge),
        data_(n_ceil_ + n_) {
    std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), data_.begin() + n_ceil_);
    for (int first = n_ceil_, last = n_ceil_ + n_ - 1; first != 1;
         first >>= 1, last >>= 1) {
      data_[last >> 1] = data_[last];
      for (int i = first; i < last; i += 2) {
        data_[i >> 1] = merge_(data_[i], data_[i + 1]);

  int size() const { return n_; }

  template <typename U, typename NodeUpdate>
  void update(int pos, const U& val, NodeUpdate node_update) {
        std::is_void_v<std::invoke_result_t<NodeUpdate, T&, const U&>>);
    node_update(data_[pos += n_ceil_], val);
    for (int last = n_ceil_ + n_ - 1; last != 1; pos >>= 1, last >>= 1) {
      if ((pos | 1) <= last) {
        data_[pos >> 1] = merge_(data_[pos & ~1], data_[pos | 1]);
      } else {
        data_[pos >> 1] = data_[pos];

  T query(int pos) const { return data_[n_ceil_ + pos]; }

  // Queries the range [first, last).
  T query(int first, int last) const {
    assert(first < last);
    std::optional<T> left, right;
    for (first += n_ceil_, last += n_ceil_ - 1; first <= last;
         first >>= 1, last >>= 1) {
      if ((first & 1) == 1) {
        left = left ? merge_(*left, data_[first++]) : data_[first++];
      if ((last & 1) == 0) {
        right = right ? merge_(data_[last--], *right) : data_[last--];
    return left ? (right ? merge_(*left, *right) : *left) : *right;

  template <typename Contains>
  int find(T val, Contains contains) const {
        std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Contains, const T&, T&>, bool>);
    if (!contains(data_[1], val)) {
      return n_;
    int pos = 1;
    while (pos < n_ceil_) {
      if (contains(data_[2 * pos], val)) {
        pos = 2 * pos;
      } else {
        pos = 2 * pos + 1;
    return pos - n_ceil_;

  template <typename Contains>
  int rfind(T val, Contains contains) const {
        std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Contains, const T&, T&>, bool>);
    if (!contains(data_[1], val)) {
      return n_;
    int pos = 1;
    while (pos < n_ceil_) {
      if (2 * pos + 1 < (int)data_.size() &&
          contains(data_[2 * pos + 1], val)) {
        pos = 2 * pos + 1;
      } else {
        pos = 2 * pos;
    return pos - n_ceil_;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const seg_tree& tree) {
    os << '{';
    for (int i = 0; i < tree.size(); ++i) {
      os << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << tree.query(i);
    return os << '}';

  Merge merge_;
  const int n_, n_ceil_;
  std::vector<T> data_;

// Segment tree with lazy propagation.
// O(n) construction, O(log n) update, and O(log n) query.
template <typename T, typename U, typename Merge, typename NodeUpdate,
          typename LazyUpdate>
class lazy_seg_tree {
      std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Merge, const T&, const T&>, T>);
  static_assert(std::is_void_v<std::invoke_result_t<NodeUpdate, T&, const U&>>);
  static_assert(std::is_void_v<std::invoke_result_t<LazyUpdate, U&, const U&>>);

  lazy_seg_tree(int n, const T& val = T(), const Merge& merge = Merge(),
                const NodeUpdate& node_update = NodeUpdate(),
                const LazyUpdate& lazy_update = LazyUpdate())
      : merge_(merge),
        lazy_(std::bit_ceil((unsigned)n_), std::nullopt),
        data_(2 * lazy_.size(), val) {
    init(1, 0, n_);

  lazy_seg_tree(const std::vector<T>& data, const Merge& merge = Merge(),
                const NodeUpdate& node_update = NodeUpdate(),
                const LazyUpdate& lazy_update = LazyUpdate())
      : merge_(merge),
        lazy_(std::bit_ceil((unsigned)n_), std::nullopt),
        data_(2 * lazy_.size()) {
    init(1, 0, n_, data);

  int size() const { return n_; }

  void update(int pos, const U& val) { update(pos, pos + 1, val); }

  // Updates the range [first, last) with val.
  void update(int first, int last, const U& val) {
    assert(first < last);
    update(1, 0, n_, first, last, val);

  T query(int pos) { return query(pos, pos + 1); }

  // Queries the range [first, last).
  T query(int first, int last) {
    assert(first < last);
    return query(1, 0, n_, first, last);

  template <typename Contains>
  int find(T val, Contains contains) {
        std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Contains, const T&, T&>, bool>);
    if (!contains(data_[1], val)) {
      return n_;
    int node = 1, low = 0, high = n_ - 1;
    while (low < high) {
      push(node, low, high);
      int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
      if (contains(data_[2 * node], val)) {
        node = 2 * node;
        high = mid;
      } else {
        node = 2 * node + 1;
        low = mid + 1;
    return low;

  template <typename Contains>
  int rfind(T val, Contains contains) {
        std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Contains, const T&, T&>, bool>);
    if (!contains(data_[1], val)) {
      return n_;
    int node = 1, low = 0, high = n_ - 1;
    while (low < high) {
      push(node, low, high);
      int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
      if (contains(data_[2 * node + 1], val)) {
        node = 2 * node + 1;
        low = mid + 1;
      } else {
        node = 2 * node;
        high = mid;
    return low;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, lazy_seg_tree tree) {
    os << '{';
    for (int i = 0; i < tree.size(); ++i) {
      os << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << tree.query(i);
    return os << '}';

  Merge merge_;
  NodeUpdate node_update_;
  LazyUpdate lazy_update_;
  const int n_;
  std::vector<std::optional<U>> lazy_;
  std::vector<T> data_;

  void init(int node, int low, int high) {
    if (high - low == 1) {
    int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
    init(2 * node, low, mid);
    init(2 * node + 1, mid, high);
    data_[node] = merge_(data_[2 * node], data_[2 * node + 1]);

  void init(int node, int low, int high, const std::vector<T>& data) {
    if (high - low == 1) {
      data_[node] = data[low];
    int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
    init(2 * node, low, mid, data);
    init(2 * node + 1, mid, high, data);
    data_[node] = merge_(data_[2 * node], data_[2 * node + 1]);

  void update_node(int node, int low, int high, const U& val) {
    node_update_(data_[node], val);
    if (high - low == 1) {
    if (!lazy_[node]) {
      lazy_[node] = val;
    lazy_update_(*lazy_[node], val);

  void push(int node, int low, int high) {
    if (!lazy_[node]) {
    int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
    update_node(2 * node, low, mid, *lazy_[node]);
    update_node(2 * node + 1, mid, high, *lazy_[node]);

  void update(int node, int low, int high, int first, int last, const U& val) {
    if (first <= low && high <= last) {
      update_node(node, low, high, val);
    push(node, low, high);
    int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
    if (first < mid) {
      update(2 * node, low, mid, first, last, val);
    if (mid < last) {
      update(2 * node + 1, mid, high, first, last, val);
    data_[node] = merge_(data_[2 * node], data_[2 * node + 1]);

  T query(int node, int low, int high, int first, int last) {
    if (first <= low && high <= last) {
      return data_[node];
    push(node, low, high);
    int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
    if (last <= mid) {
      return query(2 * node, low, mid, first, last);
    if (mid <= first) {
      return query(2 * node + 1, mid, high, first, last);
    return merge_(query(2 * node, low, mid, first, last),
                  query(2 * node + 1, mid, high, first, last));

template <typename T, typename U, typename Merge, typename NodeUpdate,
          typename LazyUpdate>
lazy_seg_tree<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate> make_lazy_seg_tree(
    int n, const T& val, const Merge& merge, const NodeUpdate& node_update,
    const LazyUpdate& lazy_update) {
  return lazy_seg_tree<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate>(
      n, val, merge, node_update, lazy_update);

template <typename T, typename U, typename Merge, typename NodeUpdate,
          typename LazyUpdate>
lazy_seg_tree<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate> make_lazy_seg_tree(
    const std::vector<T>& data, const Merge& merge,
    const NodeUpdate& node_update, const LazyUpdate& lazy_update) {
  return lazy_seg_tree<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate>(
      data, merge, node_update, lazy_update);

// Heavy-light decomposition.
// O(n) construction, O(log^2 n) update, and O(log^2 n) query.
template <typename T, typename U, typename Merge, typename NodeUpdate,
          typename LazyUpdate>
class heavy_light {
  heavy_light(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int root,
              const T& val = T(), const Merge& merge = Merge(),
              const NodeUpdate& node_update = NodeUpdate(),
              const LazyUpdate& lazy_update = LazyUpdate())
      : merge_(merge),
        tree_((int)graph.size(), val, merge, node_update, lazy_update),
        parent_(graph.size(), -1),
        depth_(graph.size(), 0),
        size_(graph.size(), 1),
        head_(graph.size(), root),
        pos_(graph.size()) {
    std::vector<int> heavy(graph.size(), -1);
    dfs1(graph, root, heavy);
    int index = 0;
    dfs2(graph, root, heavy, index);

  heavy_light(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int root,
              const std::vector<T>& data, const Merge& merge = Merge(),
              const NodeUpdate& node_update = NodeUpdate(),
              const LazyUpdate& lazy_update = LazyUpdate())
      : merge_(merge),
        tree_(data, merge, node_update, lazy_update),
        parent_(graph.size(), -1),
        depth_(graph.size(), 0),
        size_(graph.size(), 1),
        head_(graph.size(), root),
        pos_(graph.size()) {
    assert(graph.size() == data.size());
    std::vector<int> heavy(graph.size(), -1);
    dfs1(graph, root, heavy);
    int index = 0;
    dfs2(graph, root, heavy, index);

  void update_node(int node, const U& val) { tree_.update(pos_[node], val); }

  void update_subtree(int root, const U& val) {
    tree_.update(pos_[root], pos_[root] + size_[root], val);

  void update_path(int u, int v, const U& val) {
    while (head_[u] != head_[v]) {
      if (depth_[head_[u]] > depth_[head_[v]]) {
        std::swap(u, v);
      tree_.update(pos_[head_[v]], pos_[v] + 1, val);
      v = parent_[head_[v]];
    if (depth_[u] > depth_[v]) {
      std::swap(u, v);
    tree_.update(pos_[u], pos_[v] + 1, val);

  T query_node(int node) { return tree_.query(pos_[node]); }

  T query_subtree(int root) {
    return tree_.query(pos_[root], pos_[root] + size_[root]);

  T query_path(int u, int v) {
    std::optional<T> val;
    while (head_[u] != head_[v]) {
      if (depth_[head_[u]] > depth_[head_[v]]) {
        std::swap(u, v);
      T t = tree_.query(pos_[head_[v]], pos_[v] + 1);
      val = val ? merge_(*val, t) : t;
      v = parent_[head_[v]];
    if (depth_[u] > depth_[v]) {
      std::swap(u, v);
    T t = tree_.query(pos_[u], pos_[v] + 1);
    return val ? merge_(*val, t) : t;

  Merge merge_;
  lazy_seg_tree<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate> tree_;
  std::vector<int> parent_, depth_, size_, head_, pos_;

  void dfs1(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int u,
            std::vector<int>& heavy) {
    for (int v : graph[u]) {
      if (v == parent_[u]) {
      parent_[v] = u;
      depth_[v] = depth_[u] + 1;
      dfs1(graph, v, heavy);
      size_[u] += size_[v];
      if (heavy[u] == -1 || size_[v] > size_[heavy[u]]) {
        heavy[u] = v;

  void dfs2(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int u,
            const std::vector<int>& heavy, int& index) {
    pos_[u] = index++;
    if (heavy[u] != -1) {
      head_[heavy[u]] = head_[u];
      dfs2(graph, heavy[u], heavy, index);
    for (int v : graph[u]) {
      if (v == parent_[u] || v == heavy[u]) {
      head_[v] = v;
      dfs2(graph, v, heavy, index);

template <typename T, typename U, typename Merge, typename NodeUpdate,
          typename LazyUpdate>
heavy_light<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate> make_heavy_light(
    const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int root, const T& val,
    const Merge& merge, const NodeUpdate& node_update,
    const LazyUpdate& lazy_update) {
  return heavy_light<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate>(
      graph, root, val, merge, node_update, lazy_update);

template <typename T, typename U, typename Merge, typename NodeUpdate,
          typename LazyUpdate>
heavy_light<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate> make_heavy_light(
    const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int root,
    const std::vector<T>& data, const Merge& merge,
    const NodeUpdate& node_update, const LazyUpdate& lazy_update) {
  return heavy_light<T, U, Merge, NodeUpdate, LazyUpdate>(
      graph, root, data, merge, node_update, lazy_update);

// Sparse table.
// O(n log n) construction, O(1) relaxed query, and O(log n) strict query.
template <typename T, typename Merge>
class sparse_table {
      std::is_same_v<std::invoke_result_t<Merge, const T&, const T&>, T>);

  sparse_table(const std::vector<T>& data, const Merge& merge = Merge())
      : merge_(merge), data_(std::bit_width(data.size())) {
    int n = (int)data.size();
    data_[0] = data;
    for (int lg = 1; lg < (int)data_.size(); ++lg) {
      data_[lg].reserve(n - (1 << lg) + 1);
      for (int i = 0; i + (1 << lg) <= n; ++i) {
            merge_(data_[lg - 1][i], data_[lg - 1][i + (1 << (lg - 1))]));

  int size() const { return (int)data_[0].size(); }

  T query(int pos) const { return data_[0][pos]; }

  // Queries the range [first, last). Some elements are merged twice.
  T query(int first, int last) const {
    assert(first < last);
    int lg = std::bit_width((unsigned)(last - first)) - 1;
    return merge_(data_[lg][first], data_[lg][last - (1 << lg)]);

  // Queries the range [first, last). Each element is merged once.
  T strict_query(int first, int last) const {
    assert(first < last);
    int lg = std::bit_width((unsigned)(last - first)) - 1;
    T val = data_[lg][first];
    while ((first += 1 << lg) < last) {
      lg = std::bit_width((unsigned)(last - first)) - 1;
      val = merge_(val, data_[lg][first]);
    return val;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const sparse_table& table) {
    os << '{';
    for (int i = 0; i < table.size(); ++i) {
      os << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << table.query(i);
    return os << '}';

  Merge merge_;
  std::vector<std::vector<T>> data_;

// Lowest common ancestor with sparse table.
// O(n log n) preprocessing + O(1) query.
class tree_lca {
  tree_lca(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int root)
      : depth_(graph.size()),
        table_(euler_tour(graph, root),
               [this](int u, int v) { return depth_[u] < depth_[v] ? u : v; }) {

  const std::vector<int>& depth() const { return depth_; }

  int solve(int u, int v) const {
    if ((u = first_[u]) > (v = first_[v])) {
      std::swap(u, v);
    return table_.query(u, v + 1);

  int dist(int u, int v) const {
    return depth_[u] + depth_[v] - 2 * depth_[solve(u, v)];

  std::vector<int> depth_, first_;
  sparse_table<int, std::function<int(int, int)>> table_;

  std::vector<int> euler_tour(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph,
                              int root) {
    std::vector<int> tour;
    tour.reserve(2 * graph.size() - 1);
    dfs(graph, root, -1, tour);
    return tour;

  void dfs(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int u, int parent,
           std::vector<int>& tour) {
    first_[u] = (int)tour.size();
    for (int v : graph[u]) {
      if (v == parent) {
      depth_[v] = depth_[u] + 1;
      dfs(graph, v, u, tour);

// Kahn's topological sort algorithm. O(V + E).
std::vector<int> topo_sort(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph) {
  int n = (int)graph.size();
  std::vector<int> degree(n, 0);
  for (const std::vector<int>& edges : graph) {
    for (int v : edges) {
  std::vector<int> sorted;
  for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
    if (degree[v] == 0) {
  for (auto u = sorted.begin(); u != sorted.end(); ++u) {
    for (int v : graph[*u]) {
      if (--degree[v] == 0) {
  if ((int)sorted.size() < n) {  // cycle
    return std::vector<int>();
  return sorted;

// Tarjan's biconnected components algorithm. O(V + E).
class biconnected_components {
  biconnected_components(int n) : m_(0), graph_(n) {}

  int add_edge(int u, int v) {
    graph_[u].emplace_back(v, m_);
    graph_[v].emplace_back(u, m_);
    return m_++;

  int solve() {
    comp_.assign(m_, -1);
    int n = (int)graph_.size();
    int index = 0;
    std::vector<int> pos(n, -1);
    std::stack<int> estack;
    int count = 0;
    for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
      if (pos[u] == -1) {
        dfs(u, -1, index, pos, estack, count);
    return count;

  const std::vector<int>& component() const { return comp_; }

  const std::vector<int>& bridges() const { return bridges_; }

  struct edge {
    const int to, id;

    constexpr edge(int _to, int _id) : to(_to), id(_id) {}

  int m_;
  std::vector<std::vector<edge>> graph_;
  std::vector<int> comp_;
  std::vector<int> bridges_;

  int dfs(int u, int parent, int& index, std::vector<int>& pos,
          std::stack<int>& estack, int& count) {
    int u_low = pos[u] = index++;
    for (const edge& e : graph_[u]) {
      if ( == parent) {
      if (pos[] != -1) {
        u_low = std::min(u_low, pos[]);
        if (pos[] < pos[u]) {
      int size = (int)estack.size();
      int v_low = dfs(, u, index, pos, estack, count);
      u_low = std::min(u_low, v_low);
      if (v_low > pos[u]) {
      if (v_low == pos[u]) {
        do {
          comp_[] = count;
        } while ((int)estack.size() > size);
    return u_low;

namespace detail {

int art_dfs(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int u, int parent,
            int& index, std::vector<int>& pos, std::vector<int>& points) {
  int u_low = pos[u] = index++, children = 0;
  bool articulate = false;
  for (int v : graph[u]) {
    if (v == parent) {
    if (pos[v] != -1) {
      u_low = std::min(u_low, pos[v]);
    int v_low = art_dfs(graph, v, u, index, pos, points);
    u_low = std::min(u_low, v_low);
    if (v_low >= pos[u]) {
      articulate = true;
  if (articulate || (parent == -1 && children > 1)) {
  return u_low;

}  // namespace detail

// Tarjan's articulation points algorithm. O(V + E).
std::vector<int> articulation_points(
    const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph) {
  int n = (int)graph.size();
  int index = 0;
  std::vector<int> pos(n, -1), points;
  for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
    if (pos[u] == -1) {
      detail::art_dfs(graph, u, -1, index, pos, points);
  return points;

namespace detail {

int scc_dfs(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph, int u,
            std::vector<int>& pos, std::stack<int>& vstack, int& count,
            std::vector<int>& comp) {
  int low = pos[u] = (int)vstack.size();
  for (int v : graph[u]) {
    if (pos[v] == -1) {
      low = std::min(low, scc_dfs(graph, v, pos, vstack, count, comp));
    } else if (comp[v] == -1) {
      low = std::min(low, pos[v]);
  if (low == pos[u]) {
    int v;
    do {
      v =;
      comp[v] = count;
    } while (v != u);
  return low;

}  // namespace detail

// Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm. O(V + E).
std::pair<int, std::vector<int>> strong_components(
    const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& graph) {
  int n = (int)graph.size();
  std::vector<int> pos(n, -1);
  std::stack<int> vstack;
  int count = 0;
  std::vector<int> comp(n, -1);
  for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
    if (pos[u] == -1) {
      detail::scc_dfs(graph, u, pos, vstack, count, comp);
  return std::pair(count, comp);

// 2-satisfiability. O(V + E).
class two_sat {
  two_sat(int n) : graph_(2 * n), assignment_(n) {}

  static constexpr int negate(int a) { return ~a; }

  void add_true(int a) {
    a = std::max(2 * a, 2 * ~a + 1);
    graph_[a ^ 1].push_back(a);

  void add_or(int a, int b) {
    a = std::max(2 * a, 2 * ~a + 1);
    b = std::max(2 * b, 2 * ~b + 1);
    graph_[a ^ 1].push_back(b);
    graph_[b ^ 1].push_back(a);

  bool solve() {
    std::vector<int> comp = strong_components(graph_).second;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)graph_.size(); i += 2) {
      if (comp[i] == comp[i + 1]) {
        return false;
      assignment_[i >> 1] = comp[i] > comp[i + 1];
    return true;

  const std::vector<bool>& assignment() const { return assignment_; }

  std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph_;
  std::vector<bool> assignment_;

// Eulerian path. O(V + E).
class euler_path {
  euler_path(int n) : m_(0), graph_(n) {}

  int add_undirected(int u, int v) {
    graph_[u].emplace_back(v, m_);
    graph_[v].emplace_back(u, m_);
    return m_++;

  int add_directed(int u, int v) {
    graph_[u].emplace_back(v, m_);
    return m_++;

  std::vector<int> trail(int src) const { return solve<false>(src); }

  std::vector<int> cycle(int src) const { return solve<true>(src); }

  struct edge {
    const int to, id;

    constexpr edge(int _to, int _id) : to(_to), id(_id) {}

  int m_;
  std::vector<std::vector<edge>> graph_;

  template <bool Cycle>
  std::vector<int> solve(int src) const {
    int n = (int)graph_.size();
    std::vector<bool> used(m_, false);
    std::vector<int> degree(n, 0), path;
    if constexpr (!Cycle) {
    path.reserve(m_ + 1);
    std::vector<std::vector<edge>::const_iterator> curr;
    for (const std::vector<edge>& edges : graph_) {
    std::stack<edge> estack;
    estack.emplace(src, -1);
    while (!estack.empty()) {
      const edge& u =;
      if (curr[] == graph_[].end()) {
      const edge& v = *curr[]++;
      if (!used[]) {
        used[] = true;
    if ((int)path.size() < m_ || std::any_of(degree.begin(), degree.end(),
                                             [](int d) { return d < 0; })) {
      return std::vector<int>();
    std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
    return path;

// Bellman-Ford algorithm for single-source shortest paths. O(V E).
template <typename W>
std::pair<std::vector<W>, std::vector<int>> bellman_shortest_paths(
    const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, W>>>& graph, int src,
    W inf = std::numeric_limits<W>::max()) {
  int n = (int)graph.size();
  std::vector<W> dist(n, inf);
  dist[src] = 0;
  std::vector<int> pred(n, -1), count(n, 0);
  pred[src] = src;
  count[src] = n - 1;
  std::queue<int> q;
  std::vector<bool> active(n, false);
  active[src] = true;
  while (!q.empty()) {
    int u = q.front();
    active[u] = false;
    for (const auto& [v, w] : graph[u]) {
      if (pred[v] == -1 || dist[v] > dist[u] + w) {
        dist[v] = dist[u] + w;
        pred[v] = u;
        if (!active[v]) {
          if (++count[v] == n) {  // negative-weight cycle
            return {{}, {}};
          active[v] = true;
  return std::pair(dist, pred);

// Dijkstra's algorithm for single-source shortest paths. O(E log V).
// Edge weights must be non-negative.
template <typename W>
std::pair<std::vector<W>, std::vector<int>> dijkstra_shortest_paths(
    const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, W>>>& graph, int src,
    W inf = std::numeric_limits<W>::max()) {
  int n = (int)graph.size();
  std::vector<W> dist(n, inf);
  dist[src] = 0;
  std::vector<int> pred(n, -1);
  pred[src] = src;
  constexpr auto comp = [](const std::pair<int, W>& lhs,
                           const std::pair<int, W>& rhs) {
    return lhs.second > rhs.second;
  std::priority_queue<std::pair<int, W>, std::vector<std::pair<int, W>>,
  pq.emplace(src, 0);
  while (!pq.empty()) {
    auto [u, d_u] =;
    if (d_u > dist[u]) {
    for (const auto& [v, w] : graph[u]) {
      assert(w >= 0);
      if (pred[v] == -1 || dist[v] > dist[u] + w) {
        pq.emplace(v, dist[v] = dist[u] + w);
        pred[v] = u;
  return std::pair(dist, pred);

// Johnson's algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths. O(V E log V).
template <typename W>
std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<W>>, std::vector<std::vector<int>>>
johnson_shortest_paths(std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, W>>> graph,
                       W inf = std::numeric_limits<W>::max()) {
  int n = (int)graph.size();
  std::vector<std::pair<int, W>>& graph_n = graph.emplace_back();
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    graph_n.emplace_back(i, 0);
  auto [dist_n, pred_n] = bellman_shortest_paths(graph, n, inf);
  if (dist_n.empty()) {  // negative-weight cycle
    return {{}, {}};
  for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
    for (auto& [v, w] : graph[u]) {
      w += dist_n[u] - dist_n[v];
  std::vector<std::vector<W>> dist(n);
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> pred(n);
  for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
    std::tie(dist[u], pred[u]) = dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, u, inf);
    for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
      if (pred[u][v] != -1) {
        dist[u][v] += dist_n[v] - dist_n[u];
  return std::pair(dist, pred);

// Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths. O(V ^ 3).
template <typename W>
std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<W>>, std::vector<std::vector<int>>>
floyd_shortest_paths(const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, W>>>& graph,
                     W inf = std::numeric_limits<W>::max()) {
  int n = (int)graph.size();
  std::vector<std::vector<W>> dist(n, std::vector<W>(n, inf));
  std::vector<std::vector<int>> pred(n, std::vector<int>(n, -1));
  for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
    for (const auto& [v, w] : graph[u]) {
      dist[u][v] = w;
      pred[u][v] = u;
  for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
    dist[v][v] = 0;
    pred[v][v] = v;
  for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      if (pred[i][k] != -1) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
          if (pred[k][j] != -1 &&
              (pred[i][j] == -1 || dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j])) {
            dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j];
            pred[i][j] = pred[k][j];
  for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
    if (dist[v][v] < 0) {  // negative-weight cycle
      return {{}, {}};
  return std::pair(dist, pred);

template <typename W>
struct edge {
  int from, to;
  W cost;

  constexpr edge() : from(-1), to(-1), cost() {}

  constexpr edge(int _from, int _to, W _cost)
      : from(_from), to(_to), cost(_cost) {}

  friend constexpr bool operator<(const edge& lhs, const edge& rhs) {
    return lhs.cost < rhs.cost;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const edge& e) {
    return os << '{' << e.from << ", " << << ", " << e.cost << '}';

// Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm. O(E log V).
template <typename W>
std::pair<W, std::vector<int>> min_span_tree(
    int n, const std::vector<edge<W>>& edges) {
  int m = (int)edges.size();
  std::vector<int> ids;
  for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
  std::sort(ids.begin(), ids.end(),
            [&edges](int lhs, int rhs) { return edges[lhs] < edges[rhs]; });
  disjoint_sets forest(n);
  W weight = 0;
  std::vector<int> chosen;
  chosen.reserve(n - 1);
  for (int i : ids) {
    if (forest.merge(edges[i].from, edges[i].to)) {
      weight += edges[i].cost;
  return std::pair(weight, chosen);

// Hopcroft-Karp algorithm for maximum bipartite matching. O(E sqrt(V)).
class bipartite_match {
  bipartite_match(int m, int n)
      : graph_(m), succ_(m, -1), pred_(n, -1), dist_(m), matches_(0) {}

  void add_edge(int from, int to) { graph_[from].push_back(to); }

  int solve() {
    while (bfs()) {
      for (int u = 0; u < (int)succ_.size(); ++u) {
        if (succ_[u] == -1 && dfs(u)) {
    return matches_;

  const std::vector<int>& succ() const { return succ_; }

  const std::vector<int>& pred() const { return pred_; }

  std::vector<int> vertex_cover() {
    std::vector<int> cover;
    int m = (int)succ_.size();
    for (int u = 0; u < m; ++u) {
      if (dist_[u] == -1) {
    int n = (int)pred_.size();
    for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
      if (pred_[v] != -1 && dist_[pred_[v]] != -1) {
        cover.push_back(m + v);
    assert((int)cover.size() == matches_);
    return cover;

  std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph_;
  std::vector<int> succ_, pred_, dist_;
  int matches_;

  bool bfs() {
    std::queue<int> q;
    for (int u = 0; u < (int)succ_.size(); ++u) {
      if (succ_[u] == -1) {
        dist_[u] = 0;
      } else {
        dist_[u] = -1;
    while (!q.empty()) {
      int u = q.front();
      for (int v : graph_[u]) {
        if (pred_[v] == -1) {
          return true;
        if (dist_[pred_[v]] == -1) {
          dist_[pred_[v]] = dist_[u] + 1;
    return false;

  bool dfs(int u) {
    for (int v : graph_[u]) {
      if (pred_[v] == -1 ||
          (dist_[pred_[v]] == dist_[u] + 1 && dfs(pred_[v]))) {
        succ_[u] = v;
        pred_[v] = u;
        return true;
    dist_[u] = -1;
    return false;

// Highest-label push-relabel maximum flow algorithm. O(V ^ 2 * sqrt(E)).
template <typename Flow>
class max_flow {
  max_flow(int n) : graph_(n) {}

  void add_edge(int from, int to, Flow cap, Flow rev_cap = 0) {
    graph_[from].emplace_back(to, (int)graph_[to].size(), cap);
    graph_[to].emplace_back(from, (int)graph_[from].size() - 1, rev_cap);

  Flow solve(int source, int sink) {
    for (std::vector<edge>& edges : graph_) {
      for (edge& e : edges) {
        e.flow = 0;
    int n = (int)graph_.size();
    std::vector<int> height(n, 0), count(n, 0);
    height[source] = n;
    count[0] = n - 1;
    std::vector<Flow> excess(n, 0);
    std::vector<typename std::vector<edge>::iterator> curr;
    for (std::vector<edge>& edges : graph_) {
    auto comp = [&height](int lhs, int rhs) {
      return height[lhs] < height[rhs];
    std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, decltype(comp)> pq(comp);
    for (edge& e : graph_[source]) {
      if (e.cap > 0) {
        if ( != sink && excess[] == 0) {
        e.flow = e.cap;
        graph_[][e.rev].flow = -e.cap;
        excess[source] -= e.cap;
        excess[] += e.cap;
    while (!pq.empty()) {
      int u =;
      while (excess[u] > 0) {
        if (curr[u] == graph_[u].end()) {                  // relabel
          if (height[u] < n && --count[height[u]] == 0) {  // gap heuristic
            for (int& h : height) {
              if (height[u] < h && h < n) {
                h = n + 1;
          height[u] = 2 * n;
          for (auto e = graph_[u].begin(); e != graph_[u].end(); ++e) {
            if (e->flow < e->cap && height[u] > height[e->to] + 1) {
              height[u] = height[e->to] + 1;
              curr[u] = e;
          if (height[u] < n) {
        } else if (edge& e = *curr[u];
                   e.flow < e.cap && height[u] == height[] + 1) {  // push
          if ( != sink && excess[] == 0) {
          Flow delta = std::min(excess[u], e.cap - e.flow);
          e.flow += delta;
          graph_[][e.rev].flow -= delta;
          excess[u] -= delta;
          excess[] += delta;
        } else {
    return excess[sink];

  struct edge {
    const int to, rev;
    const Flow cap;
    Flow flow;

    constexpr edge(int _to, int _rev, Flow _cap)
        : to(_to), rev(_rev), cap(_cap) {}

  std::vector<std::vector<edge>> graph_;

// Successive shortest paths algorithm for minimum-cost flow.
template <typename Flow, typename Cost>
class min_cost_flow {
  min_cost_flow(int n) : m_(0), graph_(n) {}

  void add_edge(int from, int to, Flow cap, Cost cost) {
    graph_[from].emplace_back(to, (int)graph_[to].size(), cap, cost);
    graph_[to].emplace_back(from, (int)graph_[from].size() - 1, 0, -cost);
    m_ += 2;

  std::pair<Flow, Cost> solve(
      int source, int sink, Flow max_flow = std::numeric_limits<Flow>::max()) {
    static constexpr Cost INF_COST = std::numeric_limits<Cost>::max();
    std::vector<Cost> costs;
    for (std::vector<edge>& edges : graph_) {
      for (edge& e : edges) {
        e.flow = 0;
    int n = (int)graph_.size();
    std::vector<Cost> dist(n, INF_COST);
    dist[source] = 0;
    std::vector<std::pair<int, edge*>> pred(n);
    std::queue<int> q;
    std::vector<bool> active(n, false);
    active[source] = true;
    while (!q.empty()) {  // Bellman-Ford shortest paths
      int u = q.front();
      active[u] = false;
      for (edge& e : graph_[u]) {
        if (e.flow < e.cap && dist[u] + e.cost < dist[]) {
          dist[] = dist[u] + e.cost;
          pred[] = {u, &e};
          if (!active[]) {
            active[] = true;
    constexpr auto comp = [](const std::pair<int, Cost>& lhs,
                             const std::pair<int, Cost>& rhs) {
      return lhs.second > rhs.second;
    std::priority_queue<std::pair<int, Cost>, std::vector<std::pair<int, Cost>>,
    Flow total_flow = 0;
    Cost total_cost = 0, curr_cost = 0;
    while (dist[sink] != INF_COST) {
      Flow delta = max_flow - total_flow;
      for (int v = sink; v != source;) {
        const auto& [u, e] = pred[v];
        delta = std::min(delta, e->cap - e->flow);
        v = u;
      for (int v = sink; v != source;) {
        const auto& [u, e] = pred[v];
        e->flow += delta;
        graph_[v][e->rev].flow -= delta;
        v = u;
      total_cost += delta * (curr_cost += dist[sink]);
      if ((total_flow += delta) == max_flow) {
      for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
        for (edge& e : graph_[u]) {
          e.cost += dist[u] - dist[];
      std::fill(dist.begin(), dist.end(), INF_COST);
      dist[source] = 0;
      pq.emplace(source, 0);
      while (!pq.empty()) {  // Dijkstra's shortest paths
        auto [u, d_u] =;
        if (d_u > dist[u]) {
        for (edge& e : graph_[u]) {
          if (e.flow < e.cap && dist[u] + e.cost < dist[]) {
            pq.emplace(, dist[] = dist[u] + e.cost);
            pred[] = {u, &e};
    int k = 0;
    for (std::vector<edge>& edges : graph_) {
      for (edge& e : edges) {
        e.cost = costs[k++];
    return std::pair(total_flow, total_cost);

  struct edge {
    const int to, rev;
    const Flow cap;
    Flow flow;
    Cost cost;

    constexpr edge(int _to, int _rev, Flow _cap, Cost _cost)
        : to(_to), rev(_rev), cap(_cap), cost(_cost) {}

  int m_;
  std::vector<std::vector<edge>> graph_;

// Hungarian algorithm for the assignment problem. O(m ^ 2 * n).
template <typename Cost>
std::pair<Cost, std::vector<int>> min_cost_assign(
    const std::vector<std::vector<Cost>>& costs) {
  if (costs.empty() || costs[0].empty()) {
    return std::pair(Cost(0), std::vector<int>(costs.size(), -1));
  int m = (int)costs.size(), n = (int)costs[0].size();
  bool transpose = m > n;
  if (transpose) {
    std::swap(m, n);
  Cost total_cost = 0;
  std::vector<bool> tight(n);
  std::vector<int> col_match(n, -1), pred(n);
  std::vector<Cost> row_pot(m, 0), col_pot(n, 0), slack(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
    std::fill(tight.begin(), tight.end(), false);
    int y = -1;
    for (int x = i; x != -1; x = col_match[y]) {
      Cost delta = 0;
      int next_y = -1;
      for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
        if (tight[j]) {
        Cost t =
            (transpose ? costs[j][x] : costs[x][j]) - row_pot[x] - col_pot[j];
        if (y == -1 || t < slack[j]) {
          slack[j] = t;
          pred[j] = y;
        if (next_y == -1 || slack[j] < delta) {
          delta = slack[j];
          next_y = j;
      y = next_y;
      total_cost += delta;
      row_pot[i] += delta;
      for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
        if (tight[j]) {
          row_pot[col_match[j]] += delta;
          col_pot[j] -= delta;
        } else {
          slack[j] -= delta;
      tight[y] = true;
    while (pred[y] != -1) {
      col_match[y] = col_match[pred[y]];
      y = pred[y];
    col_match[y] = i;
  if (transpose) {
    return std::pair(total_cost, col_match);
  std::vector<int> row_match(m);
  for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
    if (col_match[j] != -1) {
      row_match[col_match[j]] = j;
  return std::pair(total_cost, row_match);

// Simplex algorithm for linear programming.
// Maximizes c^T x subject to a x <= b and x >= 0.
template <typename T>
class linear_program {

  linear_program(const std::vector<std::vector<T>>& a, const std::vector<T>& b,
                 const std::vector<T>& c,
                 T eps = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()))
      : eps_(eps),
        nonbasic_(n_ + 1),
        tableau_(m_ + 2, std::vector<T>(n_ + 2, 0)) {
    std::iota(basic_.begin(), basic_.end(), n_);
    std::iota(nonbasic_.begin(), nonbasic_.begin() + n_, 0);
    nonbasic_[n_] = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_; ++i) {
      std::copy(a[i].begin(), a[i].end(), tableau_[i].begin());
      tableau_[i][n_ + 1] = b[i];
    int p = (int)(min_element(b.begin(), b.end()) - b.begin());
    if (b[p] >= -eps_) {
      for (int j = 0; j < n_; ++j) {
        tableau_[m_][j] = -c[j];
    for (int i = 0; i < m_; ++i) {
      tableau_[i][n_] = -1;
    tableau_[m_][n_] = 1;
    for (int j = 0; j < n_; ++j) {
      tableau_[m_ + 1][j] = -c[j];
    pivot(p, n_);
    if (tableau_[m_][n_ + 1] < -eps_) {
      feasible_ = false;
    int q;
    if ((p = (int)(std::find(basic_.begin(), basic_.end(), -1) -
                   basic_.begin())) != m_) {
      q = -1;
      for (int j = 0; j <= n_; ++j) {
        if (tableau_[p][j] < -eps_ &&
            (q == -1 || nonbasic_[j] < nonbasic_[q])) {
          q = j;
      pivot(p, q);
    } else {
      q = (int)(std::find(nonbasic_.begin(), nonbasic_.end(), -1) -
    for (int i = 0; i < m_; ++i) {
      tableau_[i][q] = 0;
    std::fill(tableau_[m_].begin(), tableau_[m_].end(), 0);
    tableau_[m_ + 1][q] = 0;
    std::swap(tableau_[m_], tableau_[m_ + 1]);

  bool feasible() const { return feasible_; }

  bool bounded() const { return bounded_; }

  T solve() const { return tableau_[m_][n_ + 1]; }

  std::vector<T> primal() const {
    std::vector<T> x(n_, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_; ++i) {
      if (basic_[i] < n_) {
        x[basic_[i]] = tableau_[i][n_ + 1];
    return x;

  std::vector<T> dual() const {
    std::vector<T> y(m_, 0);
    for (int j = 0; j <= n_; ++j) {
      if (nonbasic_[j] >= n_) {
        y[nonbasic_[j] - n_] = tableau_[m_][j];
    return y;

  const T eps_;
  const int m_, n_;
  bool feasible_, bounded_;
  std::vector<int> basic_, nonbasic_;
  std::vector<std::vector<T>> tableau_;

  void pivot(int p, int q) {
    int size1 = (int)tableau_.size(), size2 = (int)tableau_[0].size();
    T inv_pq = 1 / tableau_[p][q];
    for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) {
      if (i != p) {
        for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) {
          if (j != q) {
            tableau_[i][j] -= tableau_[i][q] * tableau_[p][j] * inv_pq;
    for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) {
      if (i != p) {
        tableau_[i][q] *= -inv_pq;
    for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) {
      if (j != q) {
        tableau_[p][j] *= inv_pq;
    tableau_[p][q] = inv_pq;
    std::swap(basic_[p], nonbasic_[q]);

  void simplex() {
    while (true) {
      int q = -1;
      for (int j = 0; j <= n_; ++j) {
        if (tableau_[m_][j] < -eps_ &&
            (q == -1 || nonbasic_[j] < nonbasic_[q])) {
          q = j;
      if (q == -1) {
      int p = -1;
      T diff;
      for (int i = 0; i < m_; ++i) {
        if (tableau_[i][q] > eps_ &&
            (p == -1 ||
             (diff = tableau_[i][n_ + 1] / tableau_[i][q] -
                     tableau_[p][n_ + 1] / tableau_[p][q]) < -eps_ ||
             (diff <= eps_ && basic_[i] < basic_[p]))) {
          p = i;
      if (p == -1) {
        bounded_ = false;
      pivot(p, q);

constexpr int MODULUS = 1'000'000'007;

template <const int& Modulus = MODULUS>
class mod_int {
  constexpr mod_int() : val_(0) {}

  template <typename T>
  constexpr mod_int(T val) : val_((int)(val % Modulus)) {
    if (val_ < 0) {
      val_ += Modulus;

  static constexpr int modulus() { return Modulus; }

  template <typename T>
  constexpr explicit operator T() const {
    return (T)val_;

  constexpr mod_int& operator++() {
    if (++val_ == Modulus) {
      val_ = 0;
    return *this;

  constexpr mod_int operator++(int) {
    mod_int t = *this;
    return t;

  constexpr mod_int& operator--() {
    if (val_ == 0) {
      val_ = Modulus;
    return *this;

  constexpr mod_int operator--(int) {
    mod_int t = *this;
    return t;

  constexpr mod_int& operator+=(mod_int other) {
    if ((val_ += other.val_ - Modulus) < 0) {
      val_ += Modulus;
    return *this;

  constexpr mod_int& operator-=(mod_int other) {
    if ((val_ -= other.val_) < 0) {
      val_ += Modulus;
    return *this;

  constexpr mod_int& operator*=(mod_int other) {
    val_ = (int)((long long)val_ * other.val_ % Modulus);
    return *this;

  constexpr mod_int& operator/=(mod_int other) { return *this *= inv(other); }

  friend constexpr mod_int operator+(mod_int mi) { return mi; }

  friend constexpr mod_int operator-(mod_int mi) {
    if (mi.val_ != 0) {
      mi.val_ = Modulus - mi.val_;
    return mi;

  friend constexpr mod_int operator+(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs += rhs;

  friend constexpr mod_int operator-(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs -= rhs;

  friend constexpr mod_int operator*(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs *= rhs;

  friend constexpr mod_int operator/(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs /= rhs;

  friend constexpr bool operator==(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs.val_ == rhs.val_;

  friend constexpr bool operator!=(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs.val_ != rhs.val_;

  friend constexpr bool operator<(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs.val_ < rhs.val_;

  friend constexpr bool operator<=(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs.val_ <= rhs.val_;

  friend constexpr bool operator>(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs.val_ > rhs.val_;

  friend constexpr bool operator>=(mod_int lhs, mod_int rhs) {
    return lhs.val_ >= rhs.val_;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, mod_int mi) {
    return os << mi.val_;

  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, mod_int& mi) {
    long long val;
    is >> val;
    mi = mod_int(val);
    return is;

  friend constexpr mod_int inv(mod_int mi) {
    int a = mi.val_, b = Modulus;
    int x = 0, xx = 1;
    while (a != 0) {
      int q = b / a;
      int t = a;
      a = b - q * a;
      b = t;
      t = xx;
      xx = x - q * xx;
      x = t;
    assert(b == 1);
    return mod_int(x);

  template <typename T>
  friend constexpr mod_int pow(mod_int base, T expo) {
    if (expo < 0) {
      base = inv(base);
      expo = -expo;
    mod_int power = 1;
    for (; expo != 0; expo >>= 1) {
      if (expo & 1) {
        power *= base;
      base *= base;
    return power;

  int val_;

template <const int& Modulus = MODULUS>
class mod_comb {
  mod_comb(int n) : fact_{1}, inv_fact_{1} { resize(n); }

  mod_int<Modulus> factorial(int n) {
    if (n >= (int)fact_.size()) {
    return fact_[n];

  mod_int<Modulus> permute(int n, int k) {
    if (k < 0 || k > n) {
      return 0;
    if (n >= (int)fact_.size()) {
    return fact_[n] * inv_fact_[n - k];

  mod_int<Modulus> choose(int n, int k) {
    if (k < 0 || k > n) {
      return 0;
    if (n >= (int)fact_.size()) {
    return fact_[n] * inv_fact_[n - k] * inv_fact_[k];

  std::vector<mod_int<Modulus>> fact_, inv_fact_;

  void resize(int n) {
    int m = (int)fact_.size();
    fact_.reserve(n + 1);
    for (int i = m; i <= n; ++i) {
      fact_.push_back(fact_[i - 1] * i);
    inv_fact_.resize(n + 1);
    inv_fact_[n] = inv(fact_[n]);
    for (int i = n; i > m; --i) {
      inv_fact_[i - 1] = inv_fact_[i] * i;

// Extended Euclidean algorithm.
// a x + b y = gcd(a, b).
template <typename T>
constexpr T gcd(T a, T b, T& x, T& y) {
  T xx = y = 1;
  T yy = x = 0;
  while (a != 0) {
    T q = b / a;
    T t = a;
    a = b - q * a;
    b = t;
    t = xx;
    xx = x - q * xx;
    x = t;
    t = yy;
    yy = y - q * yy;
    y = t;
  if (b < 0) {
    b = -b;
    x = -x;
    y = -y;
  return b;

// Chinese remainder theorem.
// Returns {x, n} s.t. x = r[i] (mod m[i]) and n = lcm(m[i]).
// m[i] need not be pairwise coprime.
template <typename T>
std::optional<std::pair<T, T>> chinese_remainder(
    const std::vector<std::pair<T, T>>& rem_mod) {
  T x = 0, n = 1;
  for (const auto& [r, m] : rem_mod) {
    T inv_m, inv_n, g = gcd(m, n, inv_m, inv_n);
    if ((r - x) % g != 0) {
      return std::nullopt;
    x += (r - x) % m * inv_n % m / g * n;
    n *= m / g;
    if (x < 0) {
      x += n;
  return std::pair(x, n);

// Miller-Rabin primality test.
constexpr bool is_prime(int n) {
  if (n == 2) {
    return true;
  if (n <= 1 || (n & 1) == 0) {
    return false;
  int r = std::countr_zero((unsigned)(n - 1));
  int d = (n - 1) >> r;
  for (long long a : {2, 3, 5, 7}) {
    if ((a == 3 && n < 2'047) || (a == 5 && n < 1'373'653) ||
        (a == 7 && n < 25'326'001)) {
      return true;
    long long x = 1;
    for (int b = d; b != 0; b >>= 1) {
      if (b & 1) {
        x = x * a % n;
      a = a * a % n;
    if (x == 1) {
    for (int i = 1; x != n - 1; ++i) {
      if (i == r || (x = x * x % n) == 1) {
        return false;
  return true;

#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__

// Miller-Rabin primality test.
constexpr bool is_prime(long long n) {
  if (n == 2) {
    return true;
  if (n <= 1 || (n & 1) == 0) {
    return false;
  int r = std::countr_zero((unsigned long long)(n - 1));
  long long d = (n - 1) >> r;
  for (__int128 a : {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37}) {
    if ((a == 3 && n < 2'047LL) || (a == 5 && n < 1'373'653LL) ||
        (a == 7 && n < 25'326'001LL) || (a == 11 && n < 3'215'031'751LL) ||
        (a == 13 && n < 2'152'302'898'747LL) ||
        (a == 17 && n < 3'474'749'660'383LL) ||
        (a == 19 && n < 341'550'071'728'321LL) ||
        (a == 29 && n < 3'825'123'056'546'413'051LL)) {
      return true;
    __int128 x = 1;
    for (long long b = d; b != 0; b >>= 1) {
      if (b & 1) {
        x = x * a % n;
      a = a * a % n;
    if (x == 1) {
    for (int i = 1; x != n - 1; ++i) {
      if (i == r || (x = x * x % n) == 1) {
        return false;
  return true;


// Pollard's rho algorithm for integer factorization.
// n must be composite.
int factor(int n) {
  std::mt19937 rng((std::uint_fast32_t)std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist_c(1, n - 1), dist_x(0, n - 1);
  int fact;
  do {
    int c = dist_c(rng), x = dist_x(rng), y = x;
    int i = 1, k = 2;
    do {
      x = (int)(((long long)x * x + c) % n);
      fact = std::gcd(x - y, n);
      if (++i == k) {
        y = x;
        k <<= 1;
    } while (fact == 1);
  } while (fact == n);
  return fact;

#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__

// Pollard's rho algorithm for integer factorization.
// n must be composite.
long long factor(long long n) {
  std::mt19937_64 rng(
  std::uniform_int_distribution<long long> dist_c(1, n - 1), dist_x(0, n - 1);
  long long fact;
  do {
    long long c = dist_c(rng), x = dist_x(rng), y = x;
    int i = 1, k = 2;
    do {
      x = (long long)(((__int128)x * x + c) % n);
      fact = std::gcd(x - y, n);
      if (++i == k) {
        y = x;
        k <<= 1;
    } while (fact == 1);
  } while (fact == n);
  return fact;


// Sieve of Eratosthenes. O(n log log n) construction.
class sieve {
  sieve(int n) {
    least_factor_.reserve(n + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
    for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; ++i) {
      if (least_factor_[i] == i) {
        for (int j = i * i; j <= n; j += i) {
          if (least_factor_[j] == j) {
            least_factor_[j] = i;
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
      if (least_factor_[i] == i) {

  bool is_prime(int x) { return x >= 2 && least_factor_[x] == x; }

  const std::vector<int>& primes() const { return primes_; }

  template <typename T>
  std::vector<std::pair<T, int>> factorize(T x) const {
    std::vector<std::pair<T, int>> facts;
    for (T prime : primes_) {
      if (x < (int)least_factor_.size()) {
        while (x > 1) {
          prime = least_factor_[x];
          int count = 0;
          do {
            x /= prime;
          } while (least_factor_[x] == prime);
          facts.emplace_back(prime, count);
        return facts;
      if (prime * prime > x) {
        facts.emplace_back(x, 1);
        return facts;
      if (x % prime == 0) {
        int count = 0;
        do {
          x /= prime;
        } while (x % prime == 0);
        facts.emplace_back(prime, count);
    int k = (int)facts.size();
    while (x > 1) {
      T prime = x;
      while (!::is_prime(prime)) {
        prime = factor(prime);
      int count = 0;
      do {
        x /= prime;
      } while (x % prime == 0);
      facts.emplace_back(prime, count);
    std::sort(facts.begin() + k, facts.end());
    return facts;

  template <typename T>
  std::vector<T> factors(T x) const {
    std::vector<T> facts = {1};
    for (const auto& [prime, count] : factorize(x)) {
      int n = count * (int)facts.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        facts.push_back(facts[i] * prime);
    return facts;

  std::vector<int> primes_, least_factor_;

#ifdef __SIZEOF_INT128__

template <>
struct std::is_integral<__int128> : public std::true_type {};

namespace std {

constexpr __int128 abs(__int128 x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }

}  // namespace std

template <>
constexpr __int128 std::gcd(__int128 a, __int128 b) {
  a = std::abs(a);
  b = std::abs(b);
  while (a != 0) {
    __int128 t = a;
    a = b % a;
    b = t;
  return b;

template <>
constexpr __int128 std::lcm(__int128 a, __int128 b) {
  if (a == 0 || b == 0) {
    return 0;
  return std::abs(a) / std::gcd(a, b) * std::abs(b);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, __int128 x) {
  static constexpr long long BASE = 1'000'000'000'000'000'000LL;
  char f = os.fill();
  int w = (int)os.width();
  if (__int128 mid = x / BASE; mid != 0) {
    x = std::abs(x - mid * BASE);
    if (int high = (int)(mid / BASE); high != 0) {
      mid = std::abs(mid - (__int128)high * BASE);
      os << high << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(18);
    os << (long long)mid << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(18);
  return os << (long long)x << std::setfill(f) << std::setw(w);


template <typename T>
class fraction {

  constexpr fraction(T num = 0) : num_(num), den_(1) {}

  constexpr fraction(T num, T den) {
    assert(den != 0);
    T g = std::gcd(num, den);
    if (den < 0) {
      g = -g;
    num_ = num / g;
    den_ = den / g;

  fraction(const std::vector<T>& cont) : num_(cont.back()), den_(1) {
    for (int i = (int)cont.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
      std::swap(num_, den_);
      num_ += cont[i] * den_;

  constexpr T num() const { return num_; }

  constexpr T den() const { return den_; }

  template <typename U>
  constexpr explicit operator U() const {
    return (U)num_ / (U)den_;

  constexpr fraction& operator+=(const fraction& other) {
    return *this = *this + other;

  constexpr fraction& operator-=(const fraction& other) {
    return *this = *this - other;

  constexpr fraction& operator*=(const fraction& other) {
    T g1 = std::gcd(num_, other.den_), g2 = std::gcd(den_, other.num_);
    num_ = (num_ / g1) * (other.num_ / g2);
    den_ = (den_ / g2) * (other.den_ / g1);
    return *this;

  constexpr fraction& operator/=(const fraction& other) {
    assert(other.num_ != 0);
    T g1 = std::gcd(num_, other.num_), g2 = std::gcd(den_, other.den_);
    if (other.num_ < 0) {
      g1 = -g1;
    num_ = (num_ / g1) * (other.den_ / g2);
    den_ = (den_ / g2) * (other.num_ / g1);
    return *this;

  friend constexpr fraction operator+(fraction f) { return f; }

  friend constexpr fraction operator-(fraction f) {
    f.num_ = -f.num_;
    return f;

  friend constexpr fraction operator+(const fraction& lhs,
                                      const fraction& rhs) {
    T g = std::gcd(lhs.den_, rhs.den_);
    return fraction(rhs.den_ / g * lhs.num_ + lhs.den_ / g * rhs.num_,
                    lhs.den_ / g * rhs.den_);

  friend constexpr fraction operator-(const fraction& lhs,
                                      const fraction& rhs) {
    T g = std::gcd(lhs.den_, rhs.den_);
    return fraction(rhs.den_ / g * lhs.num_ - lhs.den_ / g * rhs.num_,
                    lhs.den_ / g * rhs.den_);

  friend constexpr fraction operator*(fraction lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return lhs *= rhs;

  friend constexpr fraction operator/(fraction lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return lhs /= rhs;

  friend constexpr bool operator==(const fraction& lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return lhs.num_ == rhs.num_ && lhs.den_ == rhs.den_;

  friend constexpr bool operator!=(const fraction& lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return !(lhs == rhs);

  friend constexpr bool operator<(const fraction& lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return lhs.num_ * rhs.den_ < rhs.num_ * lhs.den_;

  friend constexpr bool operator<=(const fraction& lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return lhs.num_ * rhs.den_ <= rhs.num_ * lhs.den_;

  friend constexpr bool operator>(const fraction& lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return lhs.num_ * rhs.den_ > rhs.num_ * lhs.den_;

  friend constexpr bool operator>=(const fraction& lhs, const fraction& rhs) {
    return lhs.num_ * rhs.den_ >= rhs.num_ * lhs.den_;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const fraction& f) {
    return os << f.num_ << '/' << f.den_;

  friend constexpr fraction inv(fraction f) {
    assert(f.num_ != 0);
    if (T t = f.num_; t < 0) {
      f.num_ = -f.den_;
      f.den_ = -t;
    } else {
      f.num_ = f.den_;
      f.den_ = t;
    return f;

  friend std::vector<T> continued(fraction f) {
    T q = f.num_ < 0 ? (f.num_ - f.den_ + 1) / f.den_ : f.num_ / f.den_;
    f.num_ -= q * f.den_;
    std::vector<T> cont = {q};
    while (f.num_ != 0) {
      std::swap(f.num_, f.den_);
      q = f.num_ / f.den_;
      f.num_ -= q * f.den_;
    return cont;

  T num_, den_;

template <typename T>
class matrix {
  matrix(int m, int n, const T& val = T()) : m_(m), n_(n), data_(m * n, val) {}

  matrix(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<T>> data)
      : m_((int)data.size()), n_((int)data.begin()->size()) {
    data_.reserve(m_ * n_);
    for (const std::initializer_list<T>& row : data) {
      assert((int)row.size() == n_);
      std::copy(row.begin(), row.end(), std::back_inserter(data_));

  static matrix identity(int n) {
    matrix mat(n, n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      mat[i][i] = 1;
    return mat;

  int size1() const { return m_; }

  int size2() const { return n_; }

  T* operator[](int i) { return + i * n_; }

  const T* operator[](int i) const { return + i * n_; }

  matrix& operator+=(const matrix& other) {
    assert(m_ == other.m_ && n_ == other.n_);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)data_.size(); ++i) {
      data_[i] += other.data_[i];
    return *this;

  matrix& operator-=(const matrix& other) {
    assert(m_ == other.m_ && n_ == other.n_);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)data_.size(); ++i) {
      data_[i] -= other.data_[i];
    return *this;

  matrix& operator*=(const matrix& other) { return *this = *this * other; }

  matrix& operator*=(const T& val) {
    for (T& d : data_) {
      d *= val;
    return *this;

  matrix& operator/=(const T& val) {
    for (T& d : data_) {
      d /= val;
    return *this;

  friend matrix operator+(matrix lhs, const matrix& rhs) { return lhs += rhs; }

  friend matrix operator-(matrix lhs, const matrix& rhs) { return lhs -= rhs; }

  friend matrix operator*(const matrix& lhs, const matrix& rhs) {
    assert(lhs.n_ == rhs.m_);
    matrix prod(lhs.m_, rhs.n_);
    for (int i = 0; i < lhs.m_; ++i) {
      for (int k = 0; k < lhs.n_; ++k) {
        for (int j = 0; j < rhs.n_; ++j) {
          prod[i][j] += lhs[i][k] * rhs[k][j];
    return prod;

  friend matrix operator*(matrix lhs, const T& val) { return lhs *= val; }

  friend matrix operator*(const T& val, matrix rhs) { return rhs *= val; }

  friend matrix operator/(matrix lhs, const T& val) { return lhs /= val; }

  friend bool operator==(const matrix& lhs, const matrix& rhs) {
    return lhs.m_ == rhs.m_ && lhs.data_ == rhs.data_;

  friend bool operator!=(const matrix& lhs, const matrix& rhs) {
    return !(lhs == rhs);

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const matrix& mat) {
    os << '{';
    for (int i = 0; i < mat.m_; ++i) {
      os << (i == 0 ? "" : ", ") << '{';
      for (int j = 0; j < mat.n_; ++j) {
        os << (j == 0 ? "" : ", ") << mat[i][j];
      os << '}';
    return os << '}';

  template <typename U>
  friend matrix pow(matrix base, U expo) {
    matrix power = identity(base.m_);
    for (; expo > 0; expo >>= 1) {
      if (expo & 1) {
        power *= base;
      base *= base;
    return power;

  int m_, n_;
  std::vector<T> data_;

// Berlekamp-Massey algorithm for linear recurrence.
template <const int& Modulus = MODULUS>
class linear_recur {
  linear_recur(const std::vector<mod_int<Modulus>>& seq)
      : coeff_(0, 0), seq_(0, 0) {
    int prev_i = -1;
    mod_int<Modulus> prev_diff = 1;
    std::vector<mod_int<Modulus>> prev_coeff = {1}, coeff = {1};
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)seq.size(); ++i) {
      mod_int<Modulus> diff;
      for (int j = 0; j < (int)coeff.size(); ++j) {
        diff += coeff[j] * seq[i - j];
      if (diff == 0) {
      int offset = i - prev_i;
      mod_int<Modulus> q = diff / prev_diff;
      if (prev_coeff.size() + offset <= coeff.size()) {
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)prev_coeff.size(); ++j) {
          coeff[j + offset] -= q * prev_coeff[j];
      std::vector<mod_int<Modulus>> next_coeff(prev_coeff.size() + offset);
      std::copy(coeff.begin(), coeff.end(), next_coeff.begin());
      for (int j = 0; j < (int)prev_coeff.size(); ++j) {
        next_coeff[j + offset] -= q * prev_coeff[j];
      prev_i = i;
      prev_diff = diff;
      prev_coeff = std::move(coeff);
      coeff = std::move(next_coeff);
    int n = (int)coeff.size() - 1;
    coeff_ = matrix<mod_int<Modulus>>(n, n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
      coeff_[i][i + 1] = 1;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
      coeff_[n - 1][j] = -coeff[n - j];
    seq_ = matrix<mod_int<Modulus>>(n, 1);
    std::copy_n(seq.begin(), n, seq_[0]);

  mod_int<Modulus> solve(long long n) const {
    int m = seq_.size1();
    if (n < m) {
      return seq_[(int)n][0];
    return (pow(coeff_, n - m + 1) * seq_)[m - 1][0];

  matrix<mod_int<Modulus>> coeff_, seq_;

// Lagrange polynomial interpolation. O(n).
template <typename T>
T poly_interpolate(const std::vector<T>& vals, long long x) {
  int n = (int)vals.size();
  if (x < n) {
    return vals[x];
  T basis = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    basis *= T(x - i) / T(-i);
  T y = vals[0] * basis;
  for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    basis *= (T(x - (i - 1)) / T(x - i)) * (T(i - n) / T(i));
    y += vals[i] * basis;
  return y;

// Five-point stencil for numerical differentiation.
template <typename T, typename Function>
constexpr auto derivative(Function f, T h) {
  return [f, h](T x) {
    return (-f(x + 2 * h) + 8 * f(x + h) - 8 * f(x - h) + f(x - 2 * h)) /
           (12 * h);

// Newton's method for root finding.
template <typename T, typename Function, typename Derivative>
T find_root(Function f, Derivative df, T x, T min, T max, T eps, int max_iter) {
  std::mt19937_64 thanos(
  std::uniform_real_distribution<T> snap(min, max);
  for (int resources = max_iter;;) {
    T dx = f(x) / df(x);
    if (!std::isfinite(dx) || resources-- == 0) {  // needs correction
      x = snap(thanos);
      resources = max_iter;
    x -= dx;
    if (-eps <= dx && dx <= eps) {
      return x;

namespace detail {

template <int ArgSign, typename T>
void fast_fourier_transform(std::vector<std::complex<T>>& a) {
  static_assert(ArgSign == 1 || ArgSign == -1);
  static constexpr T PI = (T)3.141592653589793238462643383279502884L;
  int n = (int)a.size();
  for (int i = 1, rev = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    int bit = n;
    do {
      rev ^= (bit >>= 1);
    } while ((rev & bit) == 0);
    if (i < rev) {
      std::swap(a[i], a[rev]);
  std::vector<std::complex<T>> w(n >> 1);
  w[0] = std::complex<T>(1.0, 0.0);
  for (int k = 1; k < n; k <<= 1) {
    T arg = ArgSign * PI / k;
    std::complex<T> w_k(std::cos(arg), std::sin(arg));
    for (int j = k - 2; j >= 0; j -= 2) {
      w[j + 1] = w[j >> 1] * w_k;
      w[j] = w[j >> 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i += k << 1) {
      for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j) {
        std::complex<T> t = w[j] * a[i + j + k];
        a[i + j + k] = a[i + j] - t;
        a[i + j] += t;

}  // namespace detail

// Fast Fourier transform. O(n log n).
// a.size() must be a power of 2.
template <typename T>
void fft(std::vector<std::complex<T>>& a) {

// Inverse fast Fourier transform. O(n log n).
// a.size() must be a power of 2.
template <typename T>
void ifft(std::vector<std::complex<T>>& a) {
  T n = (T)a.size();
  for (std::complex<T>& z : a) {
    z /= n;

// Convolution. O(n log n).
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> convolve(const std::vector<T>& a, const std::vector<T>& b) {
  int m = (int)a.size() + (int)b.size() - 1;
  int n = std::bit_ceil((unsigned)m);
  std::vector<std::complex<T>> c(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)a.size(); ++i) {
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)b.size(); ++i) {
  c[0] = std::complex<T>(c[0].real() * c[0].imag(), 0.0);
  for (int i = 1; i < n >> 1; ++i) {
    std::complex<T> t = c[i] * c[i] - std::conj(c[n - i] * c[n - i]);
    c[i] = std::complex<T>(0.25 * t.imag(), -0.25 * t.real());
    c[n - i] = std::conj(c[i]);
  c[n >> 1] = std::complex<T>(c[n >> 1].real() * c[n >> 1].imag(), 0.0);
  std::vector<T> conv;
  for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
  return conv;

// Randomized polynomial rolling hash.
template <typename SequenceContainer>
class str_hasher {
  static_assert(std::is_integral_v<typename SequenceContainer::value_type>);

  str_hasher(const SequenceContainer& s = SequenceContainer())
      : muls_(rand2()) {

  str_hasher(const str_hasher& other, const SequenceContainer& s)
      : muls_(other.muls_) {

  int size() const { return (int)pows_[0].size() - 1; }

  void push_back(typename SequenceContainer::value_type c) {
    for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
      pows_[k].push_back(pows_[k].back() * muls_[k]);
      prefs_[k].push_back(prefs_[k].back() * muls_[k] + c);

  void pop_back() {
    for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {

  // Hashes the range [first, last).
  long long hash(int first, int last) const {
    assert(first < last);
    std::array<mod_int<MOD>, 2> vals;
    for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
      vals[k] = prefs_[k][last] - prefs_[k][first] * pows_[k][last - first];
    return ((long long)vals[0] << 32) + (long long)vals[1];

  long long hash(const SequenceContainer& other) const {
    std::array<mod_int<MOD>, 2> vals = {0, 0};
    for (auto c : other) {
      for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
        vals[k] = vals[k] * muls_[k] + c;
    return ((long long)vals[0] << 32) + (long long)vals[1];

  static constexpr int MOD = 2'147'483'647;  // 2 ^ 31 - 1
  const std::array<mod_int<MOD>, 2> muls_;
  std::array<std::vector<mod_int<MOD>>, 2> pows_, prefs_;

  static std::array<mod_int<MOD>, 2> rand2() {
    std::mt19937 rng(
    std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(1'000'000, 1'000'000'000);
    return {dist(rng), dist(rng)};

  void init(const SequenceContainer& s) {
    int n = (int)s.size();
    for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
      pows_[k].reserve(n + 1);
      prefs_[k].reserve(n + 1);
    for (auto c : s) {

// Knuth-Morris-Pratt string-searching algorithm.
// O(m) preprocessing and O(n) matching.
template <typename SequenceContainer>
class str_searcher {
  str_searcher(const SequenceContainer& patt) : pattern_(patt) {
    int m = (int)pattern_.size();
    for (int i = 1, k = 0; i < m; ++i) {
      while (k > 0 && pattern_[k] != pattern_[i]) {
        k = table_[k - 1];
      if (pattern_[k] == pattern_[i]) {

  const SequenceContainer& pattern() const { return pattern_; }

  const std::vector<int>& kmp_table() const { return table_; }

  template <typename SequenceContainer::value_type Base = 'a', int Size = 26>
  std::vector<std::array<int, Size>> automaton() const {
    int m = (int)pattern_.size();
    std::vector<std::array<int, Size>> transition(m + 1);
    transition[0][pattern_[0] - Base] = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < Size; ++j) {
        if (i < m && pattern_[i] == Base + j) {
          transition[i][j] = i + 1;
        } else {
          transition[i][j] = transition[table_[i - 1]][j];
    return transition;

  std::vector<int> search(const SequenceContainer& text) const {
    int m = (int)pattern_.size(), n = (int)text.size();
    std::vector<int> matches;
    for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      while (k > 0 && pattern_[k] != text[i]) {
        k = table_[k - 1];
      if (pattern_[k] == text[i]) {
      if (k == m) {
        matches.push_back(i - m + 1);
        k = table_[k - 1];
    return matches;

  const SequenceContainer& pattern_;
  std::vector<int> table_;

// Aho-Corasick string-searching algorithm.
template <typename SequenceContainer,
          typename SequenceContainer::value_type Base = 'a', int Size = 26>
class multistr_searcher {
  multistr_searcher(const std::vector<SequenceContainer>& patterns)
      : patterns_(patterns), trie_(1, node()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)patterns.size(); ++i) {
      int v = 0;
      for (auto c : patterns[i]) {
        int j = c - Base;
        if (trie_[v].child[j] == 0) {
          trie_[v].child[j] = (int)trie_.size();
        v = trie_[v].child[j];
      trie_[v].match = i;
    std::vector<int> suffix(trie_.size(), 0);
    std::queue<int> q;
    for (int v : trie_[0].child) {
      if (v != 0) {
    while (!q.empty()) {
      int u = q.front();
      for (int i = 0; i < Size; ++i) {
        int& v = trie_[u].child[i];
        int w = trie_[suffix[u]].child[i];
        if (v == 0) {
          v = w;
        suffix[v] = w;
        trie_[v].count += trie_[w].count;
        if (trie_[v].match == -1) {
          trie_[v].match = trie_[w].match;
          trie_[v].prev = trie_[w].prev;
        } else if (trie_[w].match != -1) {
          trie_[v].prev = w;

  static constexpr int root() { return 0; }

  int size() const { return (int)trie_.size(); }

  const std::vector<SequenceContainer>& patterns() const { return patterns_; }

  int next(int state, typename SequenceContainer::value_type c) const {
    return trie_[state].child[c - Base];

  int count(int state) const { return trie_[state].count; }

  int match(int state) const { return trie_[state].match; }

  std::vector<int> search(int state) const {
    std::vector<int> matches;
    if (match(state) != -1) {
      do {
        state = trie_[state].prev;
      } while (state != -1);
    return matches;

  std::vector<int> search(const SequenceContainer& text) const {
    std::vector<int> matches;
    std::vector<bool> visited(trie_.size(), false);
    int state = 0;
    for (auto c : text) {
      state = next(state, c);
      if (match(state) != -1) {
        for (int v = state; v != -1 && !visited[v]; v = trie_[v].prev) {
          visited[v] = true;
    return matches;

  struct node {
    std::array<int, Size> child;
    int count, match, prev;

    constexpr node() : child(), count(0), match(-1), prev(-1) {}

  const std::vector<SequenceContainer>& patterns_;
  std::vector<node> trie_;

// Suffix array. O(n log n).
std::vector<int> suffix_array(std::string_view s) {
  int n = (int)s.size();
  std::vector<int> count(128, 0);
  for (char c : s) {
  std::partial_sum(count.begin(), count.end(), count.begin());
  std::vector<int> suff(n), rank(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    suff[--count[s[i]]] = i;
  rank[suff[0]] = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    if (s[suff[i]] == s[suff[i - 1]]) {
      rank[suff[i]] = rank[suff[i - 1]];
    } else {
      rank[suff[i]] = i;
  std::vector<int> prev(n), pos(n);
  for (int len = 1; len < n; len <<= 1) {
    std::iota(pos.begin(), pos.end(), 0);
    for (int i = n - len; i < n; ++i) {
      suff[pos[rank[i]]++] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      if (int j = prev[i] - len; j >= 0) {
        suff[pos[rank[j]]++] = j;
    rank[suff[0]] = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
      if (suff[i] + len < n && suff[i - 1] + len < n &&
          prev[suff[i]] == prev[suff[i - 1]] &&
          prev[suff[i] + len] == prev[suff[i - 1] + len]) {
        rank[suff[i]] = rank[suff[i - 1]];
      } else {
        rank[suff[i]] = i;
  return suff;

// Longest common prefix array. O(n).
std::vector<int> lcp_array(std::string_view s, const std::vector<int>& suff) {
  int n = (int)s.size();
  std::vector<int> rank(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    rank[suff[i]] = i;
  std::vector<int> lcp(n - 1);
  for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    if (rank[i] == n - 1) {
      k = 0;
    int j = suff[rank[i] + 1];
    while (i + k < n && j + k < n && s[i + k] == s[j + k]) {
    lcp[rank[i]] = k;
    if (k > 0) {
  return lcp;

// Z-Function. O(n).
// Returns maximum lengths z s.t. s.substr(i, z[i]) == s.substr(0, z[i]).
template <typename SequenceContainer>
std::vector<int> z_fun(const SequenceContainer& s) {
  int n = (int)s.size();
  std::vector<int> z(n, 0);
  int left = 0, right = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    if (i < right) {
      z[i] = std::min(right - i, z[i - left]);
    while (i + z[i] < n && s[i + z[i]] == s[z[i]]) {
    if (i + z[i] > right) {
      left = i;
      right = i + z[i];
  return z;

// Manacher's algorithm for the longest palindromic substring. O(n).
// Returns the half lengths of the palindromes for all 2n - 1 centers.
template <typename SequenceContainer>
std::vector<int> palindromic_substr(const SequenceContainer& s) {
  int n = (int)s.size();
  std::vector<int> p(2 * n - 1, 0);
  int left = 0, right = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n - 1; ++i) {
    int l = (i + 1) >> 1, r = i >> 1;
    if (l < right) {
      p[i] = std::min(right - l, p[2 * (left + right) - i]);
    while (0 <= l - p[i] - 1 && r + p[i] + 1 < n &&
           s[l - p[i] - 1] == s[r + p[i] + 1]) {
    if (r + p[i] > right) {
      left = l - p[i];
      right = r + p[i];
  return p;

template <typename T, int Dim = 2>
struct point;

template <typename T>
struct point<T, 2> {
  T x, y;

  constexpr point(const T& _x = T(), const T& _y = T()) : x(_x), y(_y) {}

  constexpr point& operator+=(const point& other) {
    x += other.x;
    y += other.y;
    return *this;

  constexpr point& operator-=(const point& other) {
    x -= other.x;
    y -= other.y;
    return *this;

  constexpr point& operator*=(const T& val) {
    x *= val;
    y *= val;
    return *this;

  constexpr point& operator/=(const T& val) {
    x /= val;
    y /= val;
    return *this;

  friend constexpr point operator+(const point& p) { return p; }

  friend constexpr point operator-(const point& p) { return point(-p.x, -p.y); }

  friend constexpr point operator+(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return point(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y);

  friend constexpr point operator-(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return point(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y);

  friend constexpr point operator*(const point& lhs, const T& val) {
    return point(lhs.x * val, lhs.y * val);

  friend constexpr point operator*(const T& val, const point& rhs) {
    return point(val * rhs.x, val * rhs.y);

  friend constexpr point operator/(const point& lhs, const T& val) {
    return point(lhs.x / val, lhs.y / val);

  friend constexpr bool operator==(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;

  friend constexpr bool operator!=(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return !(lhs == rhs);

  friend constexpr bool operator<(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return lhs.x != rhs.x ? lhs.x < rhs.x : lhs.y < rhs.y;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const point& p) {
    return os << '(' << p.x << ',' << p.y << ')';

  friend constexpr T norm(const point& p) { return p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y; }

  friend constexpr T dot(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return lhs.x * rhs.x + lhs.y * rhs.y;

  friend constexpr T cross(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return lhs.x * rhs.y - lhs.y * rhs.x;

template <typename T>
struct point<T, 3> {
  T x, y, z;

  constexpr point(const T& _x = T(), const T& _y = T(), const T& _z = T())
      : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}

  constexpr point& operator+=(const point& other) {
    x += other.x;
    y += other.y;
    z += other.z;
    return *this;

  constexpr point& operator-=(const point& other) {
    x -= other.x;
    y -= other.y;
    z -= other.z;
    return *this;

  constexpr point& operator*=(const T& val) {
    x *= val;
    y *= val;
    z *= val;
    return *this;

  constexpr point& operator/=(const T& val) {
    x /= val;
    y /= val;
    z /= val;
    return *this;

  friend constexpr point operator+(const point& p) { return p; }

  friend constexpr point operator-(const point& p) {
    return point(-p.x, -p.y, -p.z);

  friend constexpr point operator+(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return point(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y, lhs.z + rhs.z);

  friend constexpr point operator-(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return point(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.z - rhs.z);

  friend constexpr point operator*(const point& lhs, const T& val) {
    return point(lhs.x * val, lhs.y * val, lhs.z * val);

  friend constexpr point operator*(const T& val, const point& rhs) {
    return point(val * rhs.x, val * rhs.y, val * rhs.z);

  friend constexpr point operator/(const point& lhs, const T& val) {
    return point(lhs.x / val, lhs.y / val, lhs.z / val);

  friend constexpr bool operator==(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y && lhs.z == rhs.z;

  friend constexpr bool operator!=(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return !(lhs == rhs);

  friend constexpr bool operator<(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    if (lhs.x != rhs.x) {
      return lhs.x < rhs.x;
    if (lhs.y != rhs.y) {
      return lhs.y < rhs.y;
    return lhs.z < rhs.z;

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const point& p) {
    return os << '(' << p.x << ',' << p.y << ',' << p.z << ')';

  friend constexpr T norm(const point& p) {
    return p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + p.z * p.z;

  friend constexpr T dot(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return lhs.x * rhs.x + lhs.y * rhs.y + lhs.z * rhs.z;

  friend constexpr point cross(const point& lhs, const point& rhs) {
    return point(lhs.y * rhs.z - lhs.z * rhs.y, lhs.z * rhs.x - lhs.x * rhs.z,
                 lhs.x * rhs.y - lhs.y * rhs.x);

template <typename T>
int sign(T x, T eps = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon())) {
  return x > eps ? 1 : (x < -eps ? -1 : 0);

template <typename T>
struct line {
  point<T, 2> first, second;

  constexpr line() = default;

  constexpr line(const point<T, 2>& _first, const point<T, 2>& _second)
      : first(_first), second(_second) {}

  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const line& l) {
    return os << '{' << l.first << ", " << l.second << '}';

  friend constexpr point<T, 2> proj(const line& l, const point<T, 2>& q) {
    const auto& [p1, p2] = l;
    point<T, 2> seg = p2 - p1;
    return p1 + dot(q - p1, seg) * seg / norm(seg);

  friend constexpr bool parallel(
      const line& l1, const line& l2,
      T eps = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon())) {
    const auto& [p1, p2] = l1;
    const auto& [p3, p4] = l2;
    T c = cross(p2 - p1, p4 - p3);
    return -eps <= c && c <= eps;

  friend constexpr bool intersects(
      const line& l1, const line& l2,
      T eps = std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon())) {
    const auto& [p1, p2] = l1;
    const auto& [p3, p4] = l2;
    T c1 = cross(p3 - p1, p2 - p1);
    T c2 = cross(p4 - p1, p2 - p1);
    if (-eps <= c1 && c1 <= eps && -eps <= c2 && c2 <= eps) {
      return std::min(p1.x, p2.x) <= std::max(p3.x, p4.x) &&
             std::min(p3.x, p4.x) <= std::max(p1.x, p2.x);
    } else {
      return sign(c1, eps) != sign(c2, eps) &&
             sign(cross(p1 - p3, p4 - p3), eps) !=
                 sign(cross(p2 - p3, p4 - p3), eps);

  friend constexpr point<T, 2> intersection(const line& l1, const line& l2) {
    const auto& [p1, p2] = l1;
    const auto& [p3, p4] = l2;
    T num1 = p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x;
    T num2 = p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x;
    T den = (p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x - p4.x);
    return point<T, 2>((num1 * (p3.x - p4.x) - num2 * (p1.x - p2.x)) / den,
                       ((num1 * (p3.y - p4.y) - num2 * (p1.y - p2.y)) / den));

// Andrew's monotone chain convex hull algorithm. O(n log n).
template <typename T>
std::vector<point<T, 2>> lower_hull(std::vector<point<T, 2>> points) {
  std::sort(points.begin(), points.end());
  std::vector<point<T, 2>> hull;
  for (const point<T, 2>& p : points) {
    while ((int)hull.size() >= 2 &&
           cross(hull.back() - hull.end()[-2], p - hull.back()) <= 0) {
  return hull;

// Andrew's monotone chain convex hull algorithm. O(n log n).
template <typename T>
std::vector<point<T, 2>> upper_hull(std::vector<point<T, 2>> points) {
  std::sort(points.begin(), points.end());
  std::vector<point<T, 2>> hull;
  for (const point<T, 2>& p : points) {
    while ((int)hull.size() >= 2 &&
           cross(hull.back() - hull.end()[-2], p - hull.back()) >= 0) {
  return hull;

// Andrew's monotone chain convex hull algorithm. O(n log n).
// Returns convex hull vertices in counterclockwise order.
template <typename T>
std::vector<point<T, 2>> convex_hull(std::vector<point<T, 2>> points) {
  std::sort(points.begin(), points.end());
  int n = (int)points.size();
  std::vector<point<T, 2>> hull;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {  // lower hull
    while ((int)hull.size() >= 2 &&
           cross(hull.back() - hull.end()[-2], points[i] - hull.back()) <= 0) {
  int k = (int)hull.size() + 1;
  for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i) {  // upper hull
    while ((int)hull.size() >= k &&
           cross(hull.back() - hull.end()[-2], points[i] - hull.back()) <= 0) {
  return hull;

template <typename T>
class monotone_hull {
  using iterator = typename std::deque<point<T, 2>>::iterator;
  using const_iterator = typename std::deque<point<T, 2>>::const_iterator;

  monotone_hull() = default;

  monotone_hull(std::vector<point<T, 2>> lines) {
    std::sort(lines.begin(), lines.end());
    for (const point<T, 2>& line : lines) {

  int size() const { return (int)lines_.size(); }

  iterator begin() { return lines_.begin(); }

  const_iterator begin() const { return lines_.begin(); }

  iterator end() { return lines_.end(); }

  const_iterator end() const { return lines_.end(); }

  void push_back(const point<T, 2>& line) {
    while ((int)lines_.size() >= 2 &&
           cross(lines_.back() - lines_.end()[-2], line - lines_.back()) >= 0) {

  void emplace_back(const T& slope, const T& intercept) {
    push_back(point<T, 2>(slope, intercept));

  T linear_max(const T& x) {
    point<T, 2> p(x, 1);
    while ((int)lines_.size() >= 2 && dot(lines_[0], p) < dot(lines_[1], p)) {
    return dot(lines_[0], p);

  std::deque<point<T, 2>> lines_;

template <typename T>
class dynamic_hull {
  struct line {
    constexpr operator const point<T, 2>&() const { return m_b_; }

    constexpr const point<T, 2>& get() const { return m_b_; }

    friend constexpr bool operator<(const line& lhs, const line& rhs) {
      return lhs.m_b_ < rhs.m_b_;

    friend constexpr bool operator<(const line& lhs, const T& x) {
      return lhs.next_ != nullptr &&
             dot(lhs.m_b_, point<T, 2>(x, 1)) <
                 dot(lhs.next_->m_b_, point<T, 2>(x, 1));

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const line& l) {
      return os << l.m_b_;

    friend dynamic_hull;

    point<T, 2> m_b_;
    mutable const line* next_;

    constexpr line(const point<T, 2>& m_b) : m_b_(m_b), next_(nullptr) {}

  using iterator = typename std::set<line, std::less<void>>::iterator;
  using const_iterator =
      typename std::set<line, std::less<void>>::const_iterator;

  dynamic_hull() = default;

  dynamic_hull(const dynamic_hull& other) : lines_(other.lines_) {
    for (auto it = lines_.begin(); std::next(it) != lines_.end(); ++it) {
      it->next_ = &*std::next(it);

  dynamic_hull(dynamic_hull&&) = default;

  dynamic_hull& operator=(const dynamic_hull& other) {
    lines_ = other.lines_;
    for (auto it = lines_.begin(); std::next(it) != lines_.end(); ++it) {
      it->next_ = &*std::next(it);
    return *this;

  dynamic_hull& operator=(dynamic_hull&&) = default;

  int size() const { return (int)lines_.size(); }

  iterator begin() { return lines_.begin(); }

  const_iterator begin() const { return lines_.begin(); }

  iterator end() { return lines_.end(); }

  const_iterator end() const { return lines_.end(); }

  void insert(const point<T, 2>& slope_intercept) {
    auto [it, inserted] = lines_.insert(slope_intercept);
    if (!inserted) {
    if (it != lines_.begin() && std::next(it) != lines_.end() &&
        cross(it->m_b_ - std::prev(it)->m_b_, std::next(it)->m_b_ - it->m_b_) >=
            0) {
    if (it != lines_.begin()) {
      auto left = std::prev(it);
      while (left != lines_.begin() && cross(left->m_b_ - std::prev(left)->m_b_,
                                             it->m_b_ - left->m_b_) >= 0) {
        left = std::prev(lines_.erase(left));
      left->next_ = &*it;
    if (auto right = std::next(it); right != lines_.end()) {
      while (std::next(right) != lines_.end() &&
             cross(right->m_b_ - it->m_b_,
                   std::next(right)->m_b_ - right->m_b_) >= 0) {
        right = lines_.erase(right);
      it->next_ = &*right;

  void emplace(const T& slope, const T& intercept) {
    insert(point<T, 2>(slope, intercept));

  T linear_max(const T& x) const {
    return dot(lines_.lower_bound(x)->m_b_, point<T, 2>(x, 1));

  std::set<line, std::less<void>> lines_;

int main() {
  auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
  std::mt19937 rng((std::uint_fast32_t)start_time.time_since_epoch().count());

#ifdef TYLER
  std::cerr << "Duration: "
            << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
                   std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time)
            << "ms\n";
  return 0;